Graph-Theoreti Te hniques in D-Optimal Design Problems
منابع مشابه
A elerating Time - Dependent Multi - Criteria Timetable
1 Department of Computer S ien e, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Von-Se kendor -Platz 1, 06120 Halle, Germany {berger,gebhardt,muellerh} 2 Department of Computer S ien e, University of Karlsruhe, P.O. Box 6980, 76128 Karlsruhe, Germany. delling Abstra t. Speeding up multiriteria sear h in real timetable information systems remains ...
متن کاملSurprise Maximization
D. Borwein, J.M. Borwein and P. Mar e hal July 25, 1999 The Surprise Examination or Unexpe ted Hanging Paradox has long fas inated mathemati ians and philosophers, as the number of publi ations devoted to it attests. For an exhaustive bibliography on the subje t, the reader is referred to [1℄. 1 Herein, the optimization problems arising from an information theoreti avoidan e of the Paradox are ...
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X iv :c s/ 05 03 07 0v 1 [ cs .I T ] 2 4 M ar 2 00 5 Improved message passing for inferen e in densely onne ted systems Juan P. Neirotti and David Saad The Neural Computing Resear h Group, Aston University, Birmingham B4 7ET, UK. An improved inferen e method for densely onne ted systems is presented. The approa h is based on passing ondensed messages between variables, representing ma ros opi a...
متن کاملOn the Complexity of Cognition
S. JAEGER Intera tive Systems Laboratories University of Karlsruhe Computer S ien e Department, 76128 Karlsruhe, Germany email: stefan.jaeger This paper presents an investigation of a ognitive problem in terms of omplexity theory. Two global optimization approa hes are presented for re overing traje tories from stati , handwritten word images. Both take graph-theoreti al representati...
متن کاملVisualization of Three-Dimensional Maps
Luis A. P. Lozada1 C. X. de Mendon a2 Jorge Stolfi1 1Inst. of Computing, University of Campinas Caixa Postal 6176, 13083-970, Campinas, SP, Brazil flozada,stolfig d .uni 2Informati s Dept., University of Maring a CEP 87020-900 Blo o 19, Maring a, PR, Brazil xavier Abstra t. A three-dimensional map is a partition of a 3D manifold into topologi al polyhedra. We onsider here the ...
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