Pergamon Chemical - Microbiological Semisynthesis of e n a n t i o - A m b r o x ® Derivatives
enantio-3-Hydroxyambrox derivatives were obtained through combined chemical and microbiological methods from ent-12-o×o-13-epi-manoyl oxides. Regioselcctive and stereoselcctive reduction ofthe ¢~bonyl group at C-3 of ent-3,12-dioxo-13-epi-manoyl oxide was card ed out with Baker "s yeast. Regioselcctive acetyl ation of ent-3,12-dihydxoxy-13-epi-manoyl oxide was accomplished with Candida cylindracea lipase or Novozym 435 and vinyl acetate. Microbial bioa'ansfonnation of ent-3[~-acetoxy-12-oxo-13-epi-manoyl oxide with Nectria ochroleuca yielded new ent-l13-hydroxy-and ent-7~-hydroxy derivatives, Baeyer-Villiger oxidation at C-12 was observed in the bioa-ansformation with baker's yeast and G. ro.Teun to obt~n norambreinolide lactones which were converted in to enantio-Ambrox ® derivatives.
منابع مشابه
Amitraz Poisoning; A case study
A m i t r a z, a n i ns e c t i c i d e /a ca ri c i de of the f o r m a m i d i n e p e st i c i d e s group, is a ? 2 a d r e n e r g i c ag on i st a nd of t he a m i d i ne c h e m i ca l f a m il y generally us e d to c o n t r ol animal e c top a r a s i t e s. Poisoning due to am i t r a z i s r a r e and character...
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متن کامل