Feasibility of abdominoplasty with Cesarean section [Retraction]
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منابع مشابه
Feasibility of abdominoplasty with Cesarean section
Abdominoplasty is an esthetic surgical procedure that restores abdominal contouring. Repeated pregnancies combined with advancing maternal age usually lead to lower abdominal skin redundancy and excess fat accumulation. Delivery via Cesarean section adds weakness to the lower abdominal wall muscles and yields a lower transverse Cesarean scar. Some patients request whether abdominoplasty can be ...
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BACKGROUND Abdominoplasty is indicated in cosmetic surgery to improve body contour. Results from several studies suggest that abdominoplasty also could be therapeutic for certain individuals with urinary incontinence. OBJECTIVES The authors sought to determine the potential therapeutic effect of abdominoplasty on urinary incontinence in a large population to confirm the findings of smaller st...
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Endometriosis is defined as the presence of functioning endometrial tissue outside the uterine cavity, and the standard treatment is extensive surgical excision. Cesarean scar endometriosis is a type of cutaneous endometriosis arising on or near a Cesarean section scar. A 44-year-old woman presented with a 9×6 cm sized dark-brown, stony-hard, irregular, lower abdominal mass of four years durati...
متن کاملAbdominoplasty as an adjunct to the management of peri-Caesarian section necrotising fasciitis.
Necrotising fasciitis is a rare but potentially lethal condition, often requiring extensive soft tissue debridement and complex reconstructive surgery. The disease has been noted to complicate Caesarian section wounds, and our department has recently managed three such patients. They all required extensive abdominal wall debridements which would traditionally be closed initially by split skin g...
متن کاملHysteroscopic findings in patients with post-menstrual spotting with prior cesarean section.
OBJECTIVE To identify uterine hysteroscopic findings among patients with prior cesarean section and whom had post-menstrual bleeding spotting type. METHODS We conducted a descriptive and prospective study between June 2008 and December 2009 involving women admitted to our clinic in Ji-Paraná (RO), Brazil, and who complained of prolonged genital bleeding after menstrual period. A total of 20 w...
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