Ekologizácia spaľovania uhlia - využitie CO2 zo spalín
Ecological aspects of coal combustion utilization of CO2 from flue gas Slovakia belongs to the group of twenty worst polluters throughout the world, releasing 10 12 tons of carbon dioxide per capita, whereas the worldwide average value is about 5 tons. It is known that the big electric and thermal power stations produce only 25 % of the overall production of carbon dioxide in Slovakia, whereas the biggest producer of carbon dioxide is the industry by 31%. The aim of the present contribution is to show possibilities of the further chemical conversion of the separated carbon dioxide from flue gas as a chemical raw material. We focused our attention to the feasibility of the conversion of carbon dioxide into carbon oxide or synthesis gas and its further conversion into methanol. The production of synthesis gas from carbon dioxide, coke (coal) and natural gas was assumed. On the basis of our studies we can claim that the fulfilment of the national target of the Slovak Republic set up for 2005, i.e., the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions by 20 % against 1988 by the chemical transformation of carbon dioxide from the electric power stations flue gas is not realistic. In our opinion a profound reduction of carbon dioxide emission can be reached by lower demands for energy produced by burning fossil fuels or by the substitution of these fuels by alternative energy sources.
منابع مشابه
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