Twisted Vertex Representations and Spin Characters
We establish a new group-theoretic realization of the basic representations of the twisted affine and twisted toroidal algebras of ADE types in the same spirit of our new approach to the McKay correspondence. Our vertex operator construction provides a unified description to the character tables for the spin cover of the wreath product of the twisted hyperoctahedral groups and an arbitrary finite group.
منابع مشابه
Twisted Vertex Representations via Spin Groups and the Mckay Correspondence
We establish a twisted analog of our recent work on vertex representations and the McKay correspondence. For each finite group Γ and a virtual character of Γ we construct twisted vertex operators on the Fock space spanned by the super spin characters of the spin wreath products Γ ≀ S̃n of Γ and a double cover of the symmetric group Sn for all n. When Γ is a subgroup of SL2(C) with the McKay virt...
متن کاملMultiplets of representations, twisted Dirac operators and Vogan’s conjecture in affine setting
We extend classical results of Kostant and al. on multiplets of representations of finite-dimensional Lie algebras and on the cubic Dirac operator to the setting of affine Lie algebras and twisted affine cubic Dirac operator. We prove in this setting an analogue of Vogan’s conjecture on infinitesimal characters of Harish–Chandra modules in terms of Dirac cohomology. For our calculations we use ...
متن کاملFrom Characters to Quantum (Super)Spin Chains via Fusion
We give an elementary proof of the Bazhanov-Reshetikhin determinant formula for rational transfer matrices of the twisted quantum super-spin chains associated with the gl(K|M) algebra. This formula describes the most general fusion of transfer matrices in symmetric representations into arbitrary finite dimensional representations of the algebra and is at the heart of analytical Bethe ansatz app...
متن کاملThe sl2 loop algebra symmetry of the twisted transfer matrix of the six vertex model at roots of unity
We discuss a family of operators which commute or anti-commute with the twisted transfer matrix of the six-vertex model at q being roots of unity: q = 1. The operators commute with the Hamiltonian of the XXZ spin chain under the twisted boundary conditions, and they are valid also for the inhomogeneous case. For the case of the anti-periodic boundary conditions, we show explicitly that the oper...
متن کاملRamond Twisted Representations
We study the Ramond twisted representations of the affine W algebra W(ḡ, f) in the case that f is Richardson. We establish the vanishing and the almost irreducibility of the corresponding BRST cohomology. This confirms some of the recent conjectures of Kac and Wakimoto [KW5]. In type A, our results give the characters of all irreducible ordinary Ramond twisted representations of W(sln, f) for a...
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