Drug Discoveries & Therapeutics
A one-paragraph abstractconsisting of no more than 250words must be included. It shouldstate the purpose of the study, basicprocedures used, main findings, andconclusions. Abbreviations. All nonstandardabbreviations must be listed inalphabetical order, giving eachabbrevia t ion fo l lowed by i t sspelled-out version. Spell out theterm upon first mention and followit with the abbreviated form inparentheses. Thereafter, use theabbreviated form. Introduction. The introductionshould be a concise statement of thebasis for the study and its scientificcontext.Materials and Methods. 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In Brief Reports,Results and Discussion sectionsmust be combined. Acknowledgments. All fundingsources should be credited in theAcknowledgments section. Inaddition, people who contributedto the work but who do not fit thecriteria for authors should be listedalong with their contributions. References. References should benumbered in the order in which theyappear in the text. Cite references intext using a number in parentheses.Citing of unpublished results andpersonal communications in thereference list is not recommendedbut these sources may be mentionedin the text. For all references, list allauthors, but if there are more thanfifteen authors, list the first threeauthors and add “et al.” Abbreviatejournal names as they appear inPubMed. Web references can beincluded in the reference list. Example 1:H a m a m o t o H , K a m u r a K ,Razanajatovo IM, Murakami K,Santa T, Sekimizu K. Effects ofmolecular mass and hydrophobicityon transport rates through non-specific pathways of the silkworm larva midgut. Int J AntimicrobAgents 2005; 26:38-42. Example 2:Mizuochi T. Microscale sequencingof N-linked oligosacchaides ofglycoproteins using hydrazinolysis,B io -Ge l P -4 , and sequen t i a lexoglycosidase digestion. In:Methods in Molecular Biology:Vol. 14 Glycoprotein analysis inbiomedicine (Hounsell T, ed.).Humana Press, Totowa, NJ, USA,1993; pp. 55-68. Example 3:Drug Discoveries & Therapeutics.Hot topics & news: China-JapanM e d i c a l Wo r k s h o p o n D r u gDiscoveries and Therapeutics2007. ht tp: / /www.ddt journal .com/hotnews.php (accessed July 1,2007). Figure legends. Include a short titleand a short explanation. Methodsdescribed in detail in the Materialsand me thods s ec t i on shou ldnot be repeated in the legend.Symbols used in the figure mustbe explained. The number of datapoints represented in a graph mustbe indicated. Tables. 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