XWH - 08 - 1 - 0357 TITLE : MR - Guided Near Infrared Spectroscopy for Reducing Breast Cancer False
Combined Magnetic Resonance (MR) and Near InfraredSpectroscopy (NIRS) has been proposed as a unique method to quantifyhemodynamics, water content, and cellular size and packing density ofbreast tumors, as these tissue constituents can be quantified with increasedresolution and overlaid on the structural features identified by the MR.However, the choices in how to reconstruct and visualize this informationcan have a dramatic impact on the feasibility of implementing this modalityin the clinic. This is especially true in 3 dimensions, as there is often limitedoptical sampling of the breast tissue, and methods need to accurately reflectthe tissue composition. In this paper, the implementation and display offully 3D MR image-guided NIRS is outlined and demonstrated using in vivodata from three healthy women and a volunteer undergoing neoadjuvantchemotherapy. Additionally, a display feature presented here scales thetransparency of the optical images to the sensitivity of the measurements,providing a logical way to incorporate partial volume sets of optical imagesonto the MR volume. These concepts are demonstrated with 3D data setsusing Volview software online.© 2008 Optical Society of AmericaOCIS codes: (170.0170) Medical optics and biotechnology, (170.3660) Light propagation intissues, (100.3010) Image reconstruction techniques References and links1. B. Bone, Z. Pentek, L. Perbeck, and B. Veress, “Diagnostic accuracy of mammography and contrast-enhancedmr imaging in 238 histologically verified breast lesions.,” Acta. Radiol., vol. 38, no. 4 Pt 1, pp. 489–496, 1997.2. D. Bluemke, C. Gatsonis, M. Chen, G. DeAngelis, N. DeBruhl, S. Harms, S. Heywang-Kobrunner, N. Hylton,C. Kuhl, C. Lehman, E. Pisano, P. Causer, S. Schnitt, S. Smazal, C. Stelling, P. Weatherall, and M. 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تاریخ انتشار 2009