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Abstra t. In this paper we dis uss how the spe i ation of omponents may be separated from the des ription of the ontext in whi h they are used. There are a number of ways in whi h this might be possible and here we show how to use the te hnique of promotion in Obje t-Z to ombine omponents whi h are spe i ed using pro ess algebras. We dis uss two approa hes, the rst is to separate out the spe i ation into two distin t viewpoints written in di erent languages. These viewpoints are then ombined by a pro ess of translation and uni ation. The se ond approa h will be to use hybrid languages omposed of a ombination of CSP and Obje t-Z. We also onsider how to re ne su h omponent based des riptions and onsider issues of ompositionality.
منابع مشابه
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متن کامل
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