Development and evaluation of an Individualised Outcome Measure (IOM) for randomised controlled trials in mental health
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منابع مشابه
Pesola, Francesca and Williams, Julie and Bird, Victoria and Freidl, Marion and Le Boutillier, Clair and Leamy, Mary and Macpherson, Rob and Slade, Mike (2015) Development and evaluation of an Individualised Outcome Measure (IOM) for randomised controlled trials
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Development and evaluation of an Individualized Outcome Measure (IOM) for randomized controlled trials in mental health.
Pre-defined, researcher-selected outcomes are routinely used as the clinical end-point in randomized controlled trials (RCTs); however, individualized approaches may be an effective way to assess outcome in mental health research. The present study describes the development and evaluation of the Individualized Outcome Measure (IOM), which is a patient-specific outcome measure to be used for RCT...
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In combination with randomization, blinding or masking is an important factor in randomized controlled trials (RCTs), particularly in trials that assess therapeutic effects. Here an attempt is made to explain blindness and why it is important. In clinical trials, blinding is defined as the condition imposed on a study in which study participants, health care providers and assessors collecting o...
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