ar X iv : 1 11 0 . 14 22 v 2 [ he p - la t ] 1 8 Ja n 20 12 Lattice study on πK scattering with moving wall source
The s-wave pion-kaon (πK) scattering lengths at zero momentum are calculated in lattice QCD with sufficiently light u/d quarks and strange quark at its physical value by the finite size formula. The light quark masses correspond to mπ = 0.330−0.466 GeV. In the “Asqtad” improved staggered fermion formulation, we measure the πK four-point correlators for both isospin I = 1/2 and 3/2 channels, and analyze the lattice simulation data at the next-to-leading order in the continuum threeflavor chiral perturbation theory, which enables us a simultaneous extrapolation of πK scattering lengths at physical point. We adopt a technique with the moving wall sources without gauge fixing to obtain the substantiable accuracy, moreover, for I = 1/2 channel, we employ the variational method to isolate the contamination from the excited states. Extrapolating to the physical point yields the scattering lengths as mπa3/2 = −0.0505(19) and mπa1/2 = 0.1827(37) for I = 3/2 and 1/2 channels, respectively. Our simulation results for πK scattering lengths are in agreement with the experimental reports and theoretical predictions, and can be comparable with other lattice simulations. These simulations are carried out with MILC Nf = 2 + 1 flavor gauge configurations at lattice spacing a ≈ 0.15 fm.
منابع مشابه
ar X iv : 1 11 0 . 39 18 v 2 [ he p - la t ] 1 7 Ju n 20 12 Lattice QCD calculation of ππ scattering length
We study s-wave pion-pion (ππ) scattering length in lattice QCD for pion masses ranging from 330 MeV to 466 MeV. In the “Asqtad” improved staggered fermion formulation, we calculate the ππ four-point functions for isospin I = 0 and 2 channels, and use chiral perturbation theory at next-to-leading order to extrapolate our simulation results. Extrapolating to the physical pion mass gives the scat...
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are calculated on the RBC/UKQCD 32 3 × 64, L s = 16 lattices, using 2+1 dynamical flavors and domain wall fermions, with an inverse lattice spacing of a −1 = 2.42(4) GeV. Data is interpolated or extrapolated to energy conserving kinematics and a preliminary calculation of the experimental parameter |A 2 | is performed.
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We present initial calculations of nucleon matrix elements of twist-two operators with 2+1 flavors of domain wall fermions at a lattice spacing a = 0.084 fm for pion masses down to 300 MeV. We also compare the results with the domain wall calculations on a coarser lattice.
متن کاملar X iv : 0 90 6 . 18 47 v 2 [ he p - la t ] 1 1 Ju n 20 09 Physical matrix elements for ∆ I = 3 / 2 channel K → ππ decays
are calculated on the RBC/UKQCD 32 3 × 64, L s = 16 lattices, using 2+1 dynamical flavors and domain wall fermions, with an inverse lattice spacing of a −1 = 2.42(4) GeV. Data is interpolated or extrapolated to energy conserving kinematics and a preliminary calculation of the experimental parameter |A 2 | is performed.
متن کاملar X iv : 0 90 2 . 00 45 v 1 [ he p - la t ] 3 1 Ja n 20 09 An improved lattice measurement of the critical coupling in φ 42 theory
We use Monte Carlo simulations to obtain an improved lattice measurement of the critical coupling constant [ λ/μ ] crit for the continuum (1 + 1)-dimensional (λ/4)φ theory. We find that the critical coupling constant depends logarithmically on the lattice coupling, resulting in a continuum value of [ λ/μ ] crit = 10.8 −.05, in considerable disagreement with the previously reported [ λ/μ ] crit ...
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