Eigenfaces and eigenvoices: dimensionality reduction for specialized pattern recognition
There are hidden analogies between two dissimilar research areas: face recognition and speech recognition. The standard representations for faces and voices misleadingly suggest that they have a high number of degrees of freedom. However, human faces have two eyes, a nose, and a mouth in predictable locations; such constraints ensure that possible images of faces occupy a tiny portion of the space of possible 2D images. Similarly, physical and cultural constraints on acoustic realizations of words uttered by a particular speaker imply that the true number of degrees of freedom for speaker-dependent hidden Markov models (HMMs) is quite small. Face recognition researchers have recently adopted representations that make explicit the underlying low dimensionality of the task, greatly improving the performance of their systems while reducing computational costs. We argue that speech researchers should use similar techniques to represent variation between speakers, and discuss applications to speaker adaptation, speaker identi cation and speaker veri cation. EIGENFACES FOR FACE RECOGNITION \There are many examples of families of patterns for which it is possible to obtain a useful systematic characterization. Often, the initial motivation might be no more than the intuitive notion that the family is low dimensional ... Such examples include turbulent ows, human speech, and the subject of this correspondence, human faces" ([6], p. 103). Kirby and Sirovich [6] applied principal component analysis (PCA), which derives a low-dimensional coordinate set from a collection of high-dimensional data points [5], to the analysis of face images. Previously, researchers had modeled faces with general-purpose image processing techniques. The new coordinates consist of the eigenvectors of the covariance or correlation matrix of the data points, ordered by the magnitude of their contribution to these data. Thus, the 0th \eigenface" is the vector obtained by averaging over all original faces, and the other eigenfaces from 1 onwards model variation from this average face. The expansion is truncated at some point, say after eigenface M . Any face image can then be represented as the average face plus a linear combination of the remaining M eigenfaces. PCA guarantees that for the original set of data points, the mean-square error introduced by truncating the expansion after the M -th eigenvector is minimized. To match a new image of a person's face to one of a set of stored faces, one may nd the Euclidean distances between the vector of M coordinates representing the new face and each of the M -dimensional vectors representing the stored faces, and then choose the stored image yielding the smallest distance. In experiments along these lines [14], where the training data (the images used to calculate the eigenfaces) and the test data consisted of faces with the same orientation and scale lit in the same way, excellent results were obtained with about M = 100 eigenfaces. For face images of size 256 by 256 pixels, the dimensionality goes from 65; 536 to 100: a compression factor of 655. The best introduction to the eigenface literature is [14]. An intriguing series of recent papers discusses probability distributions for eigenfaces [10, 11, 12]. EIGENVOICES FOR SPEAKER ADAPTATION PCA and related techniques are already widely used in speech recognition and allied elds. However, they have been applied to acoustic feature selection (e.g. [9]). As far as we can determine, we were the rst to apply such techniques at the level of speaker representation (for other recent work, see [4]). The obvious analogy to face recognition in the world of speech technology is speaker identi cation: matching the voice of an unknown person to one of a set of known voices. Our work so far has focused on a di erent problem, speaker adaptation, though we have conducted some preliminary experiments on speaker identi cation. What is speaker adaptation? In a typical mediumor large-vocabulary speech recognition system, words are represented as sequences of phonemes; each phoneme is represented as a set of hidden Markov models (HMMs). HMM-based speech recognition systems may be speaker-independent (SI), speaker-dependent (SD), or adaptive. SI systems are designed to recognize speech from anyone; their HMMs are trained on data from a large number of speakers. SD systems are designed to recognize speech from a particular individual; their HMMs are trained on data from that individual. Error rates for SI systems are roughly 2 to 3 times higher than those for SD systems, when the latter are tested on the speaker they are trained for [8]. Adaptive systems attempt to combine the advantages of SI and SD systems. When a new user rst speaks to an adaptive system, the system employs SI HMMs; once speech data from this user has been obtained, the parameters of the HMMs are updated to re ect user-speci c traits. Why do SD systems work better than SI systems? Phonemes do not occupy absolute positions in acoustic space, but are perceived relative to each other. If one hears someone's \uw" and \ih", one can make a good guess about the sound of his \ae", because of one's knowledge about the relative positions of these three phonemes in acoustic space. SI systems contain HMMs that are averaged over many individuals, and thus have much atter probability distributions than HMMs in SD systems. These distributions overlap: one person's \ow" in \about" may sound like another person's \oo" in \room". Training SI systems on more speakers, or changing the training algorithm, cannot solve this problem. Many applications of speech recognition (e.g. ight reservation over the telephone) involve short-term user-system interactions, so there is considerable interest in fast speaker adaptation techniques. Two currently popular adaptation techniques are maximum likelihood linear regression (MLLR) and maximum a posteriori estimation (MAP). In MLLR, certain parameters of the SI system's HMMs undergo an a ne transformation W , which is estimated from the new user's speech [8]. MAP estimation is a form of Bayesian learning, in which a priori knowledge about the parameters of the SI HMMs is combined with observations from the new speaker [3]. Neither MLLR nor MAP employs a priori information about type of speaker. The eigenvoice approach more closely resembles an older technique, speaker clustering [2], in which training speakers are divided into clusters, and HMMs for the new speaker are obtained from the cluster that best models his speech. However, information isn't shared across clusters: e.g., a Chinese-accented senior citizen might be assigned to a \Chinese accent" cluster or to a \senior citizen" cluster, but not to both. By contrast, the eigenvoice approach would give the speaker both a \Chinese accent" and an \age" coordinate (if PCA happened to produce eigenvoices correlated with these properties). The eigenvoice approach We train T SD models, each consisting of a complete set of HMMs, from T di erent speakers. Each such SD model is turned into a vector with a large dimension D; the T vectors thus obtained are the \supervectors". PCA applied to the set of T supervectors yields T eigenvectors, each of dimension D. By analogy with eigenfaces, we call these eigenvectors \eigenvoices". Since the rst few eigenvoices capture most of the variation in the data, we need to keep only the rst K of them, where K < T << D. These K eigenvoices span \K-space". We approximate the supervector for a new speaker S by a nearby point in K-space. Once the coordinates of this point have been estimated by means of a technique called maximum-likelihood eigendecomposition (MLED; [7]), it can be mapped back into a supervector of D HMM parameters to make a new model for S. We conducted mean adaptation experiments on the Isolet database [1], which contains 5 sets of 30 speakers, each pronouncing the alphabet twice. Five splits of the data were done, each taking four sets (120 speakers) as training data, and the remaining set (30 speakers) as test data; all results below were obtained by averaging over the ve splits. We trained 120 SD models on the training data, and extracted a supervector from each. Each SD model contained one HMM per letter of the alphabet, with each HMM having six single-Gaussian output states. Each Gaussian involved eighteen \perceptual linear predictive" (PLP) cepstral features. Thus, each supervector contained D = 26 6 18 = 2808 parameters. For each of the 30 test speakers, we drew adaptation data from the rst repetition of the alphabet, and tested on the entire second repetition. SI models trained on the 120 training speakers yielded 81:3% word percent correct; SD models trained on the entire rst repetition for each new speaker yielded 59:6%. Unit accuracy results for three conventional mean adaptation techniques are shown in Table 1: MAP with SI prior (\MAP"), global MLLR with SI prior (\MLLR G"), and MAP with the MLLR G model as prior (\MLLR G => MAP"). alph. sup. and alph. uns. in Table 1 show supervised and unsupervised adaptation using the rst repetition of the alphabet for each speaker as adaptation data; alph. uns. used SI recognition for its rst pass. The other experiments in the table are for supervised adaptation on one letter from the rst alphabet repetition as adaptation data. Since we can't show all 26 experiments single-letter experiments, we show results for D (the worst MAP result), the average result over all single letters ave(1-let.), and the result for A (the best MAP result). For small amounts of data MLLR G and MLLR G => MAP give pathologically bad results. Ad. data MAP MLLR G MLLR G => MAP alph. sup. 87.4 85.8 87.3 alph. uns. 77.8 81.5 78.5 D (worst) 77.6 3.8 3.8 ave(1-let.) 80.0 3.8 3.8 A (best) 81.2 3.8 3.8 Table 1: NON-EIGENVOICE ADAPTATION To carry out experiments with eigenvoice techniques, we performed PCA on the T = 120 supervectors (using the correlation matrix), and kept eigenvoices 0:::K (0 is mean vector). For unsupervised adaptation or small amounts of adaptation data, some of these techniques performed much better than conventional techniques. The results in Table 2 are for the same adaptation data as in Table 1. \Eig(5)" and \Eig(10)" are the results for K = 5 and K = 10 respectively; \Eig(5)=>MAP" shows results when the Eig(5) model is used as a prior for MAP (and analogously for \Eig(10)=>MAP"). For single-letter adaptation, we show W (letter with worst Eig(5) result), the average results ave(1-let.), and results for V (letter with best Eig(5) result). Note that unsupervised Eig(5) and Eig(10) (alph. uns.) are almost as good as supervised (alph. sup.). The SI performance is 81:3% word correct; Table 2 shows that Eig(5) can improve signi cantly on this even when the amount of adaptation data is very small. We know of no other equally rapid adaptation method. Ad. data Eig(5) Eig(5)=>MAP Eig(10) Eig(10)=>MAP alph. sup. 86.5 88.8 87.4 89.0 alph. uns. 86.3 80.8 86.3 81.4 W (worst) 82.2 81.8 79.9 79.2 ave(1-let.) 84.4 83.9 82.4 81.8 V (best) 85.7 85.7 83.2 83.1 Table 2: EIGENVOICE ADAPTATION We tried to interpret eigendimensions 1, 2, and 3 for these experiments. Dimension 1 is closely correlated with sex: 74 of 75 women in the database have negative values in this dimension, and all 75 men have positive values. Negative values in dimension 2 seem to be associated with loud, quick speakers, while negative values in dimension 3 seem to be associated with a short steady-state portion of vowels relative to the onsets and o glides.
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تاریخ انتشار 1998