Adaptivity Helps for Testing Juntas
We give a new lower bound on the query complexity of any non-adaptive algorithm for testing whether an unknown Boolean function is a k-junta versus ε-far from every k-junta. Our lower bound is that any non-adaptive algorithm must make Ω ( k log k εc log(log(k)/εc) ) queries for this testing problem, where c is any absolute constant < 1. For suitable values of ε this is asymptotically larger than the O(k log k + k/ε) query complexity of the best known adaptive algorithm [9] for testing juntas, and thus the new lower bound shows that adaptive algorithms are more powerful than non-adaptive algorithms for the junta testing problem. 1998 ACM Subject Classification F.2 Analysis of Algorithms and Problem Complexity
منابع مشابه
Improved Bounds for Testing Juntas
We consider the problem of testing functions for the property of being a k-junta (i.e., of depending on at most k variables). Fischer, Kindler, Ron, Safra, and Samorodnitsky (J. Comput. Sys. Sci., 2004 ) showed that Õ(k)/ queries are sufficient to test k-juntas, and conjectured that this bound is optimal for non-adaptive testing algorithms. Our main result is a non-adaptive algorithm for testin...
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