ar X iv : h ep - l at / 9 70 80 13 v 1 2 0 A ug 1 99 7 1 Hybrid and Orbitally Excited Mesons in Quenched QCD ∗
We use lattice methods to evaluate from first principles the spectrum of hybrid mesons produced by gluonic excitations in quenched QCD with quark masses near the strange quark mass. For the spin-exotic mesons with J P C = 1 −+ , 0 +− , and 2 +− which are not present in the quark model, we determine the lightest state to be 1 −+ with mass of 2.0(2) GeV. Results obtained for orbitally excited mesons are also presented.
منابع مشابه
ar X iv : h ep - l at / 9 80 90 22 v 1 4 S ep 1 99 8 1 Hybrid and Orbitally Excited Mesons in Full QCD ∗
We present results for the hybrid meson spectrum produced by gluonic excitations in full QCD using Wilson fermions. For the spin-exotic mesons with J P C = 1 −+ , 0 +− , and 2 +− we find the lightest state to be 1 −+ with a mass of 1.9(2) GeV. Results obtained for orbitally excited mesons are also presented.
متن کاملar X iv : h ep - l at / 9 60 80 65 v 1 1 3 A ug 1 99 6 1 Forces between composite particles in QCD
Starting from the meson-meson Green function in 3+1 dimensional quenched lattice QCD we calculate potentials between heavy-light mesons for various light-quark mass parameters. For the valence quarks we employ the staggered scheme. The resulting potentials turn out to be short ranged and attractive. A comparison with a tadpole improved action for the gauge fields is presented.
متن کاملar X iv : h ep - p h / 97 10 50 2 v 1 2 8 O ct 1 99 7 Hadron Spectroscopy from the Lattice
Lattice QCD determinations appropriate to hadron spectroscopy are reviewed with emphasis on the glueball and hybrid meson states in the quenched approximation. Hybrids are discussed for heavy and for light quarks. The effects of sea quarks (unquenching) are explored. Heavy-light systems are presented particularly excited B mesons.
متن کاملar X iv : h ep - l at / 9 70 80 06 v 1 1 1 A ug 1 99 7 1 Quenched Spectroscopy for the N = 1 Super - Yang – Mills Theory
We present results for the Quenched SU(2) N = 1 Super-Yang–Mills spectrum at β = 2.6, on a V = 16 3 × 32 lattice , in the OZI approximation. This is a first step towards the understanding of the chiral limit of lattice N = 1 SUSY.
متن کاملar X iv : h ep - l at / 9 60 90 07 v 1 3 1 A ug 1 99 6 1 The Staggered η ′ with Smeared Operators
We present a refined calculation of the η ′ mass using staggered fermions and Wuppertal smeared operators to suppress excited state contributions. We use quenched and dynamical configurations of size 16 3 × 32, with N f = 0, N f = 2 and N f = 4, and compare our results with the expected theoretical forms from quenched, partially quenched, and unquenched chiral perturbation theory.
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