ar X iv : h ep - p h / 01 07 17 5 v 1 1 6 Ju l 2 00 1 η - η ′ mixing in U ( 3 ) chiral perturbation theory 1
We investigate η-η ′ mixing in infrared regularized U (3) chiral perturbation theory by calculating the η and η ′ masses up to one-loop order. From this analysis it becomes obvious that even at leading order η-η ′ mixing does not obey the usually assumed one-mixing angle scheme if large N c counting rules are not employed.
منابع مشابه
ar X iv : h ep - p h / 01 05 03 3 v 1 3 M ay 2 00 1 Threshold η and η ′ electroproduction off nucleons 1
The electroproduction of η and η ′ mesons on the proton and the neutron is investigated at tree level within the framework of U (3) chiral perturbation theory. In addition to the Born terms low-lying resonances such as the vector mesons and J P = 1/2 + , 1/2 − baryon resonances are included explicitly and their contributions are calculated. Results for the separated differential cross sections ...
متن کاملar X iv : h ep - p h / 01 05 13 2 v 1 1 5 M ay 2 00 1 U ( 3 ) chiral perturbation theory with infrared regularization 1
We include the η′ in chiral perturbation theory without employing 1/Nc counting rules. The method is illustrated by calculating the masses and decay constants of the Goldstone boson octet (π,K, η) and the singlet η′ up to one-loop order. The effective Lagrangian describing the interactions of the η′ with the Goldstone boson octet is presented up to fourth chiral order and the loop integrals are...
متن کاملar X iv : h ep - p h / 03 09 01 1 v 1 1 S ep 2 00 3 Two - photon decays of π 0 , η and η ′
We investigate the decays of π 0 , η and η ′ into two photons in an effective U (3) chiral Lagrangian approach without employing large N c arguments. Tree level and one-loop contributions from the anomalous Wess-Zumino-Witten Lagrangian are calculated and the importance of η-η ′ mixing and isospin violation due to different up-and down-quark masses is discussed. Unitarity corrections beyond one...
متن کاملar X iv : h ep - p h / 05 12 02 1 v 1 1 D ec 2 00 5 Short study of the η - η ′ system in the two mixing angle scheme
A two mixing angle description of the pseudoscalar decay constants associated to the η-η ′ system is used to parametrize the theoretical amplitudes of the radiative decays (η, η ′) → γγ and the coupling constants g V (η,η ′)γ with V = ρ, ω, φ. The parametrization is performed in both the " octet-singlet " basis and the " quark-flavour " basis. An excellent agreement with the most recent experim...
متن کاملX iv : h ep - p h / 03 01 05 8 v 1 9 J an 2 00 3 Hadronic decays of η and η ′ with coupled channels 1
The hadronic decays η → πππ, η ′ → πππ and η ′ → ηππ are investigated within a U (3) chiral unitary approach. Final state interactions are included by deriving the effective s-wave potentials for meson meson scattering from the chiral effective Lagrangian and iterating them in a Bethe-Salpeter equation. With only a small set of parameters we are able to explain both rates and spectral shapes of...
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