17th annual meeting of the international society of blood purification


  • Tesar
  • Golper

No. Sunday, October 4, 1998 12:00–19:00 Registration 12:00–17:00 Poster Setup 13:30–16:30 Welcoming Tour and Visit to Hammersmith Farm 17:30–19:30 Welcome Wine and Cheese Reception Monday, October 5, 1998 08:45–10:15 Symposium: Therapeutic Options for the Early Stage ESRD Patient Chairs: K. Koch (Germany) & L. Dworkin (USA) Outlook in 1998 on the Impact of Nutrition on Management and Outcome of Renal Disease J. Bergström (Sweden) Rationale for the Early Initiation of Dialysis T. Golper (USA) BMP and Related Recombinant Growth Factors as Possible Modulators of the Progression of Renal Disease M. Charette (USA) 10:15–10:45 Coffee Break 10:45–12:00 Award Lecture & Prize Presentations Chairs: M. Lysaght (USA) & S. Shaldon (Monaco) Award Presentation Transplant Immunobiology Sir Roy Calne Prize Presentations Cardiovascular Effects of Recombinant Human T. Akiba, T. Takamoto, 1 Erythropoietin in Predialysis Patients M. Hiroe, F. Marumo and Predialysis EPO Study Group (Japan) Continuous High Flux Hemodialysis (CHFD) Improves G. Lonnemann, 28 Whole Blood TNFa Production in Septic Patients M. Bechstein, S. Linnenweber, M. Burg (Germany) 12:00–13:30 Poster Sessions with boxed lunch Access (see page VI) Chairs: T. Golper (USA) & F. Locatelli (Italy) Clinical (see pages VI–VII) Chairs: J. Bergström (Sweden) & K. Leunissen (The Netherlands) 13:30–15:00 Free Communications 1 Chairs: H. Klinkman (Germany) & V. TesarZ (The Czech Republic) Cytokine mRNA Expression Patterns and Levels in I. van Riemsdijk, E. Loonen, 45 End-Stage Renal Failure and Renal Replacement Therapy C. Baan, R. Zietse, W. Weimar (The Netherlands) blop164.qxd 14.09.1998 09:38 Seite 2 D ow nl oa de d by : 54 .7 0. 40 .1 1 11 /1 4/ 20 17 1 2: 01 :3 1 A M Hemodialysis (HD) Decreases Elevated Plasma Levels of J. Kielstein, R. Böger, 19 the NO-Synthase Inhibitor Asymmetric Dimethylarginine S. Bode-Böger, K. Koch, (ADMA) in ESRD Patients J. Frölich (Germany) Plasma Homocysteine Level (sHCY) in Patients on M. Gonella, G. Calabrese, 14 Hemodiafiltration (HDF) M. Scancarello, A. Mengozzi, G. Vagelli, P. Deambrogio (Italy) New Generation of Steam Sterilized Dialysers H. Göhl, R. Buck, M. Storr, 13 R. Deppisch (Germany) May Albumin Loss through Dialyzer Membrane Contribute W. Beck, R. Deppisch, 5 to Low Serum Albumin Levels in Hemodialysis Patients? H. Göhl (Germany) Can Sterile and Pyrogen-Free Substitute Be Consistently L. Vaslaki, A. Karátson, 46 On-Line Delivered? P. Vörös, L. Major, F. Pethö, E. Ladányi, C. Weber, R. Mitteregger, D. Falkenhagen (Germany) 15:00–15:30 Coffee Break 15:30–17:00 Panel: Present and Future Trends in the Management of ESRD Chairs: S. Shaldon (Monaco) & E. Lowrie (USA) Panelist & Discussants J. Bosch, M. Lazarus, J. Newmann (USA) 17:15–18:00 ISBP Business Meeting 19:30–23:30 Festive Banquet at Rosecliff Tuesday, October 6, 1998 09:00–10:30 Free Communications 2 Chairs: S. di Giulio (Italy) & A. Saito (Japan) Ten-Year Experience with Extracorporeal Treatment of D. Beuno, J. Reardon, 18 TIP/HUS J. Sevigny, A. Kaplan (USA) Inflammation, Malnutrition, Cardiac Disease and Mortality: J. Bergström, B. Lindholm 8 An Integrated Hypothesis (Sweden) The Influence of Increasing Dialysis Time Leads to Better W. Kleophas, D. Bach, 21 HD-Quality: An Intra-Individual Comparison T. Wessels, G.v. Endert, A. Westhoff, B. Grabensee (Germany) Relationship between Urea and Creatinine Rebound in W. Clark, R. Hamburger, 10 Hemodialysis (HD) J. Leypoldt (USA) The Effect of Dialysate Temperature on Energy Transfer J. Kooman, 22 during Hemodialysis (HD) F.van der Sande, J.Buurma, P. Hameleers, A. Kerkhofs, J. Barendregt, K. Leunissen (The Netherlands) Effect of iv Fluids on Plasma Volume Preservation during F. van der Sande, 44 Dialysis J. Kooman, J. Barendregt, F. Nieman, K. Leunissen (The Netherlands) 10:30–11:00 Coffee Break Program 225 Abstract No. blop164.qxd 14.09.1998 09:39 Seite 3 D ow nl oa de d by : 54 .7 0. 40 .1 1 11 /1 4/ 20 17 1 2: 01 :3 1 A M 226 16th Annual Meeting of the ISBP 11:00–11:45 Invited Lecture & Poster Prizes Chairs: T. Kishimoto (Japan) & L. Weiczorek (Germany) Announcement of Posterpresentation Awards M. Lysaght (USA) Special Lecture: Cytokines in the Pathogenesis and Treatment of Renal Failure C. Dinarello (USA) 11:45–13:15 Poster Sessions with boxed lunch Bioengineering/CAPD (see page VII ) Chairs: L. Henderson (USA) & S. Jörstad (Norway) Membrane/Liver (see page VIII) Chairs: S. Shaldon (Monaco) & A. Kaplan (USA) 13:15–14:30 Free Communications 3 Chairs: F. Marumo (Japan) & R. Deppisch (Germany) Docusate Sodium (DSS) Increases Peritoneal Clearances (K) J. Leypoldt, M. Flessner, 23 by Increasing Surface Area (A) J. Gilson, C. Chen (USA) Nutritional Status, Inflammation and Clinical Outcome in A. Qureshi, 26 CAPD Patients O. Heimbürger, J. Bergström, B. Lindholm (Sweden) Plasma Lipid Profile Changes during Different Blood R. Marangoni, A. Manfredi, 30 Purification Methods R. Cimino, R. Colombo, L. Maltagliati, G. Romei-Longhena, R. Marangoni, C. Galli (Italy) The Role of Comorbidity on Survival of Patients with M. Querques, A. Pappani, 34 End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) G. Di Francesco, P. Strippoli, D. Procaccini (Italy) Abnormal Blood Pressure Response during DobutamineR. Zietse, S. Poldermanns, 48 Atropine Stress Echocardiography in Patients with M. van den Dorpel, Hemodialysis Induced Hypotension R. Rambaldi, G. Rocchi, A. van den Meiracker, E. Boersma, J. Bax, J. Roelandt, W. Weimar (The Netherlands) 14:30–15:00 Coffee Break 15:00–17:00 Workshop: New Technologies for Blood Purification Chairs: L. Henderson (USA) & C. Colton (USA) Bioengineering of Dialysis Membranes to Revolve Clinical Problems R. Deppisch (Germany) The Coming Generation of Peritoneal Dialysis Solutions L. Martis (USA) Hemofiltration Redux I. Ledebo (Sweden) Strategies for Improved Peritoneal and Vascular Access J. Moran (USA) Affinity Membranes P. Konstantin (USA) To What Extent Does Technology Determine the Shape of J. Passlick-Deetjen ESRD Therapy (Germany) 17:00 Closing Ceremony M. Lysaght, Congress President Abstract No. blop164.qxd 14.09.1998 09:39 Seite 4 D ow nl oa de d by : 54 .7 0. 40 .1 1 11 /1 4/ 20 17 1 2: 01 :3 1 A M Monday, October 5, 1998 12:00–13:30 Access Chairs: T.A. Golper (USA) & F. Locatelli (Italy) Survival of Prosthetic Grafts in Chronic HD Patients (PST) G. Bacchini, S. Andrulli, 4 with Compromise of the Endogenous Venous System (VS) M. Corti, L. Del Vecchio, F. Locatelli (Italy) Diagnosis and Treatment of Renal Vein Thrombosis (RVT) M. Hussein, J. Mooij, 32 H. Khan, G. Iskandrani, H. Roujouleh (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) Hemodialysis (HD) Access with the DialockTM Device J. Megerman, N. Levin, 31 T. Ing, B. Canaud, H. My (USA) A New Subcutaneous Vascular Access Device for G. Posen, A. Smith, 33 Hemodialysis J. Wang, J. Brugger, J. Moran (Canada) An Innovative Approach to Temporary Vascular Access J. Ross, C. Staffeld, 35 J. Lindberg, M. Lee (USA) 12:00–13:30 Clinical Chairs: J. Bergström (Sweden) & K. Leunissen (The Netherlands) Quality of Life (QoL) in Patients with Chronic Renal Failure C. Avanzi for A.S.P.N.A.T 3 (CRF) Group San Severo (Italy) Trace Elements in Serum of Chronic Hemodialysis and M. Benedik, A. Briso ki, 7 CAPD Patients R. Ponikvar, A. Guco ek (Slovenia) Arrhythmia in Hemodialysis Patients G. Gagliardi, S. Mazza, 12 G. Gerace, F. Tosti, G. Migliozzi, G.Vocaturo, A. Mollica, M. Manfredi, N. De Napoli (Italy) Changes in the Sigmoidal Relationship between PTH and E. Kinugasa, J. Takahashi, 20 Serum CA by the Intravenous Treatment of 22-Oxacalcitriol F. Nakayama, H. Ogata, (OCT) T. Akizawa, T. Ideura (Japan) Evaluation of Erythropoietin Level in High-Flux Dialysis S. Liou, S. Yang, L. Shu, 27 Patients J. Liou (China) Poster Sessions 227 Poster Sessions Abstract No. blop164.qxd 14.09.1998 09:39 Seite 5No. blop164.qxd 14.09.1998 09:39 Seite 5 D ow nl oa de d by : 54 .7 0. 40 .1 1 11 /1 4/ 20 17 1 2: 01 :3 1 A M 228 Free Fatty Acids and Hemodialysis: Cardiovascular and R. Marangoni, R. Savino, 29 Hormonal Effects F. Masi, A. Manfredi, R. Cimino, R. Colombo, L. Maltagliati, F. Marangoni, C. Galli (Italy) The Pain Was Different in Subcutaneous Injection (SC) H. Tanaka, M. Yoshimoto, 37 between Two Kinds of r-hu Erythropoietin (EPO) Y. Kinoshita, S. Kawai, T. Hase, Y. Ohno, K. Yamamoto, T. Kishimoto (Japan) Urinary IL-6/EGF Ratio in ANCA-Positive Renal Vasculitis, V. TesarZ , E. Jelínková, 39 Lupus Nephritis, and IgA Nephropathy M. Merta, M. Jirsa, J. Zo abka, A. Stejskalová (Czech Republic) Plasma Leptin in Patients with Renal Diseases V. Tesaro , V. Chábová, 38 J. Peruso ico ová, V. Bradová, T. Zima, E. Jelínková, J. Zo abka, M. Merta (Czech Republic) Pulmonary Function in Patients with ARDS during E. Tishkov, O. Bukaev, 40 Hemofiltration (HF) S. Kapunov (Russia) Relative Blood Volume Changes during Dialysis without R. Nette, E. Akcahuseyin, 49 Ultrafiltration Do Not Only Depend on Changes in H. Krepel, W. Weimar, Osmolality R. Zietse (The Netherlands) Tuesday, October 6, 1998 11:45–13:15 Bioengineering/CAPD Chairs: L. Henderson (USA) & S. Jörstad (Norway) Compartment Effects Influence Lean Body Mass Estimates W. Clark, R. Hamburger, 9 in Hemodialysis (HD) Patients J. Leypoldt (USA) Comparison of Microbiological Quality of Dialysate and R. Heidler, W. Beck, 6 Replacement Fluid in On-Line Hemodiafiltration (HDF) vs. R. Deppisch, J. Braun Conventional Hemodialysis (HD) and HDF in Clinical (Germany) Application Vascular Refilling Monitoring in Dialyzed Children Using M. Jaffrin, C. Fournier 16 Bioimpedance and Continuous Hematocrit Measurements (France) Effect of On-Line Hemodialfiltration Modality on Removal Y. Takemoto, K. Tsuchida, 36 Characteristics O. Fu, T. Nakamura, S. Yamagami, T. Kishimoto (Japan) Effects of Ligustium-Contained Peritoneal Dialysate on Y. Li, C. Lu, R. Ye, L. Sun, 24 Adequacy and Ultrafiltration Volumes (UF) in CAPD Patients H. Li (China) Influence of Fluid Status on Blood Pressure (BP) and Serum K. Katzarski, T. Wang, 25 Albumin (ALB) in CAPD O. Heimbürger, P. Stenvinkel, A. Qureshi, J. Bergström, B. Lindholm (Sweden) 16th Annual Meeting of the ISBP Abstract No. blop164.qxd 14.09.1998 09:39 Seite 6 D ow nl oa de d by : 54 .7 0. 40 .1 1 11 /1 4/ 20 17 1 2: 01 :3 1 A M Poster Sessions 229 Abstract No. 11:45–13:15 Membrane/Liver Chairs: S. Shaldon (Monaco) & A. Kaplan (USA) Clinical Effect of a New Triacetate (CTA) Membrane with T. Akizawa, E. Kinugasa, 2 Microgradient Structure for Hemodialysis (HD) K. Niikura, F. Koiwa, Y. Sato, S. Watanabe, H. Tayama, K. Takahashi, A. Satomi, H. Naitoh, M. Azuma,T. Ideura (Japan) Poly (Ethylene Oxide)–Polysulfone Block Copolymer S. Fagan, K. Gagnon, 15 Membranes L. Hancock (USA) Clinical Evaluation of a New Synthetic Steam Sterilized J. Kaiser, E. Berger, 17 Low-Flux Dialyzer T. Risler, K. Schaefer (Germany) Successful Intervention in PTFE Graft Thrombosis: A. Urbanco ico , R. Ponikvar, 42 Role of Colour-Doppler Ultrasound – A Case Report J. Klanco ar (Slovenia) High b2-Microglobulin Adsorption on AN69 Dialyser Can Be A. Urbanco ico , J. Buturovicv, 43 Regenerated – in vitro Study R. Ponikvar, A. Bren (Slovenia) No Difference in Cytokine Induction between Patients on L. Vaslaki, C. Weber, 47 On-Line Hemodiafiltration (HDF) and Low-Flux HD R. Mitteregger, D. Falkenhagen (Germany) In vitro Metabolic Activity of the HepatAssist® Liver-Assist L. Custer, C. Mullon (USA) 11 System Lixelle Adsorbent to Remove Inflammatory Cytokines K. Tsuchida, Y. Takemoto, 41 O. Fu, T. Nakamura, S. Yamagami, T. Kishimoto (Japan) Upcoming ISBP-Meetings 1999 Prague (October 7–9)

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عنوان ژورنال:
  • Blood purification

دوره 17 4  شماره 

صفحات  -

تاریخ انتشار 1999