Observation of Charge-Dependent Azimuthal Correlations in p-Pb Collisions and Its Implication for the Search for the Chiral Magnetic Effect.
- V Khachatryan
- A M Sirunyan
- A Tumasyan
- W Adam
- E Asilar
- T Bergauer
- J Brandstetter
- E Brondolin
- M Dragicevic
- J Erö
- M Flechl
- M Friedl
- R Frühwirth
- V M Ghete
- C Hartl
- N Hörmann
- J Hrubec
- M Jeitler
- A König
- I Krätschmer
- D Liko
- T Matsushita
- I Mikulec
- D Rabady
- N Rad
- B Rahbaran
- H Rohringer
- J Schieck
- J Strauss
- W Waltenberger
- C-E Wulz
- O Dvornikov
- V Makarenko
- V Zykunov
- V Mossolov
- N Shumeiko
- J Suarez Gonzalez
- S Alderweireldt
- E A De Wolf
- X Janssen
- J Lauwers
- M Van De Klundert
- H Van Haevermaet
- P Van Mechelen
- N Van Remortel
- A Van Spilbeeck
- S Abu Zeid
- F Blekman
- J D'Hondt
- N Daci
- I De Bruyn
- K Deroover
- S Lowette
- S Moortgat
- L Moreels
- A Olbrechts
- Q Python
- S Tavernier
- W Van Doninck
- P Van Mulders
- I Van Parijs
- H Brun
- B Clerbaux
- G De Lentdecker
- H Delannoy
- G Fasanella
- L Favart
- R Goldouzian
- A Grebenyuk
- G Karapostoli
- T Lenzi
- A Léonard
- J Luetic
- T Maerschalk
- A Marinov
- A Randle-Conde
- T Seva
- C Vander Velde
- P Vanlaer
- D Vannerom
- R Yonamine
- F Zenoni
- F Zhang
- A Cimmino
- T Cornelis
- D Dobur
- A Fagot
- G Garcia
- M Gul
- I Khvastunov
- D Poyraz
- S Salva
- R Schöfbeck
- A Sharma
- M Tytgat
- W Van Driessche
- E Yazgan
- N Zaganidis
- H Bakhshiansohi
- C Beluffi
- O Bondu
- S Brochet
- G Bruno
- A Caudron
- S De Visscher
- C Delaere
- M Delcourt
- B Francois
- A Giammanco
- A Jafari
- P Jez
- M Komm
- G Krintiras
- V Lemaitre
- A Magitteri
- A Mertens
- M Musich
- C Nuttens
- K Piotrzkowski
- L Quertenmont
- M Selvaggi
- M Vidal Marono
- S Wertz
- N Beliy
- W L Aldá Júnior
- F L Alves
- G A Alves
- L Brito
- C Hensel
- A Moraes
- M E Pol
- P Rebello Teles
- E Belchior Batista Das Chagas
- W Carvalho
- J Chinellato
- A Custódio
- E M Da Costa
- G G Da Silveira
- D De Jesus Damiao
- C De Oliveira Martins
- S Fonseca De Souza
- L M Huertas Guativa
- H Malbouisson
- D Matos Figueiredo
- C Mora Herrera
- L Mundim
- H Nogima
- W L Prado Da Silva
- A Santoro
- A Sznajder
- E J Tonelli Manganote
- A Vilela Pereira
- S Ahuja
- C A Bernardes
- S Dogra
- T R Fernandez Perez Tomei
- E M Gregores
- P G Mercadante
- C S Moon
- S F Novaes
- Sandra S Padula
- D Romero Abad
- J C Ruiz Vargas
- A Aleksandrov
- R Hadjiiska
- P Iaydjiev
- M Rodozov
- S Stoykova
- G Sultanov
- M Vutova
- A Dimitrov
- I Glushkov
- L Litov
- B Pavlov
- P Petkov
- W Fang
- M Ahmad
- J G Bian
- G M Chen
- H S Chen
- M Chen
- Y Chen
- T Cheng
- C H Jiang
- D Leggat
- Z Liu
- F Romeo
- S M Shaheen
- A Spiezia
- J Tao
- C Wang
- Z Wang
- H Zhang
- J Zhao
- Y Ban
- G Chen
- Q Li
- S Liu
- Y Mao
- S J Qian
- D Wang
- Z Xu
- C Avila
- A Cabrera
- L F Chaparro Sierra
- C Florez
- J P Gomez
- C F González Hernández
- J D Ruiz Alvarez
- J C Sanabria
- N Godinovic
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- I Puljak
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- T Sculac
- Z Antunovic
- M Kovac
- V Brigljevic
- D Ferencek
- K Kadija
- B Mesic
- S Micanovic
- L Sudic
- T Susa
- A Attikis
- G Mavromanolakis
- J Mousa
- C Nicolaou
- F Ptochos
- P A Razis
- H Rykaczewski
- D Tsiakkouri
- M Finger
- E Carrera Jarrin
- A A Abdelalim
- Y Mohammed
- E Salama
- M Kadastik
- L Perrini
- M Raidal
- A Tiko
- C Veelken
- P Eerola
- J Pekkanen
- M Voutilainen
- J Härkönen
- T Järvinen
- V Karimäki
- R Kinnunen
- T Lampén
- K Lassila-Perini
- S Lehti
- T Lindén
- P Luukka
- J Tuominiemi
- E Tuovinen
- L Wendland
- J Talvitie
- T Tuuva
- M Besancon
- F Couderc
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- D Denegri
- B Fabbro
- J L Faure
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- S Ghosh
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- G Hamel de Monchenault
- P Jarry
- I Kucher
- E Locci
- M Machet
- J Malcles
- J Rander
- A Rosowsky
- M Titov
- A Zghiche
- A Abdulsalam
- I Antropov
- S Baffioni
- F Beaudette
- P Busson
- L Cadamuro
- E Chapon
- C Charlot
- O Davignon
- R Granier de Cassagnac
- M Jo
- S Lisniak
- P Miné
- M Nguyen
- C Ochando
- G Ortona
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- L Feld
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- K Klein
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- T Verlage
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- R Placakyte
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- B Roland
- M Ö Sahin
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- T Schoerner-Sadenius
- C Seitz
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- R Walsh
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- M Centis Vignali
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- M Meyer
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- D Nowatschin
- F Pantaleo
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- J Poehlsen
- C Sander
- C Scharf
- P Schleper
- A Schmidt
- S Schumann
- J Schwandt
Charge-dependent azimuthal particle correlations with respect to the second-order event plane in p-Pb and PbPb collisions at a nucleon-nucleon center-of-mass energy of 5.02 TeV have been studied with the CMS experiment at the LHC. The measurement is performed with a three-particle correlation technique, using two particles with the same or opposite charge within the pseudorapidity range |η|<2.4, and a third particle measured in the hadron forward calorimeters (4.4<|η|<5). The observed differences between the same and opposite sign correlations, as functions of multiplicity and η gap between the two charged particles, are of similar magnitude in p-Pb and PbPb collisions at the same multiplicities. These results pose a challenge for the interpretation of charge-dependent azimuthal correlations in heavy ion collisions in terms of the chiral magnetic effect.
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عنوان ژورنال:
- Physical review letters
دوره 118 12 شماره
صفحات -
تاریخ انتشار 2017