Ultra-broadband THz time-domain spectroscopy of common polymers using THz air photonics


  • Francesco D’Angelo
  • Zoltán Mics
  • Mischa Bonn
  • Dmitry Turchinovich

Terahertz-range dielectric properties of the common polymers low-density polyethylene (LDPE), cyclic olefin/ethylene copolymer (TOPAS), polyamide-6 (PA6), and polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE or Teflon) are characterized in the ultra-broadband frequency window 2-15 THz, using a THz time-domain spectrometer employing air-photonics for the generation and detection of single-cycle sub-50 fs THz transients. The time domain measurements provide direct access to both the absorption and refractive index spectra. The polymers LDPE and TOPAS demonstrate negligible absorption and spectrally-flat refractive index across the entire spectroscopy window, revealing the high potential of these polymers for applications in THz photonics such as ultra-broadband polymer-based dielectric mirrors, waveguides, and fibers. Resonant high-frequency polar vibrational modes are observed and assigned in polymers PA6 and PTFE, and their dielectric functions in the complete frequency window 2-15 THz are theoretically reproduced. Our results demonstrate the potential of ultrabroadband air-photonics-based THz time domain spectroscopy as a valuable analytic tool for materials science. ©2014 Optical Society of America OCIS codes: (300.6495) Spectroscopy, terahertz; (160.5470) Polymers; (320.7150) Ultrafast spectroscopy. References and links 1. D. H. Auston and M. C. Nuss, “Electrooptic generation and detection of femtosecond electrical transients,” IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 24(2), 184–197 (1988). 2. D. Grischkowsky, S. Keiding, M. Van Exter, and C. Fattinger, “Far-infrared time-domain spectroscopy with terahertz beams of dielectrics and semiconductors,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 7(10), 2006–2015 (1990). 3. B. Ferguson and X.-C. Zhang, “Materials for terahertz science and technology,” Nat. Mater. 1(1), 26–33 (2002). 4. P. 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