fertility preservation among the cancer patients by ovarian tissue cryopreservation, transplantation, and follicular development


ali abedelahi dept. of anatomical sciences, tabriz university of medical sciences, tabriz, iran

mostafa rezaei-tavirani proteomics research center, shahid beheshti university of medical sciences, tehran, iran

daryosh mohammadnejad dept. of anatomical sciences, tabriz university of medical sciences, tabriz, iran


abstract ovarian tissue freezing or cryopreservation might be the only acceptable method for preserving the young women fertility, before radiotherapy or chemotherapy. this technology might be used for patients with recurrent ovarian cysts or endometriosis, without ovarian stimulation. many efforts have made to improve cryopreservation conditions that should be seriously considered for cancer patients. vitrification is a process which prevents ovarian tissue from cryo damage, then preserves cell viability. both methods have used for evaluating not only the follicular development, but also the fertility after freezing and thawing. in this manuscript, we have discussed the techniques of ovarian tissue vitrification, then graft and maturation or follicular development is also mentioned. please cite this article as: abedelahi a, rezaei-tavirani m, mohammadnejad d. fertility preservation among the cancer patients by ovarian tissue cryopreservation, transplantation, and follicular development. iran j cancer prev. 2013; 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Fertility Preservation Among the Cancer Patients by Ovarian Tissue Cryopreservation, Transplantation, and Follicular Development

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