Um pilta og stúlkur í íslenska menntakerfinu



Þessi grein lýsir stöðu nemenda eftir kyni innan íslenska menntakerfisins og frammistaða kynjanna er borin saman. Spurt hvort markverður munur sé á frammistöðu drengja stúlkna. Í ljós kemur að í grunnskóla standa stúlkur drengjum meðaltali framar samræmdum prófum íslensku drengir eru miklum meirihluta þeirra tíu prósenta sem sig illa. Kynjamunurinn mikill alþjóðlegum samanburði. framhaldsskólum brottfall um 50% meira en stúlkna, bæði bóknámi starfsnámi, endurkoma beggja kynja betur fer talsverð. Stúlkur meðal stúdenta 2/3 ljúka háskólanámi. Þær sviði hugvísinda, heilbrigðisvísinda flestum sviðum félagsvísinda. Drengir greinum verkfræði, stærðfræði eðlisfræði, sagnfræði heimspeki. Konur með hærri einkunn fyrsta ári Háskóla Íslands, skýrist einkum af lægri brottfallstíðni.

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منابع مشابه

Wilf-Classification of Mesh Patterns of Short Length

This B.Sc. project deals with mesh pattern avoidance in permutations. A mesh pattern is a pair p = (τ,R), where τ is a permutation in Sk and R ⊆ J0, kK × J0, kK. The elements of R denote lled boxes in a mesh pattern. For a permutation π to contain a mesh pattern, it has to contain the underlying classical pattern τ , and no points in π can be located in the shaded boxes. In this paper we begin ...

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Optimal Policy in OG Models

In the present paper general stationary overlapping generations economies with many commodities in every period and many different consumers in every generation are considered. A government maximizes a utilitarian social welfare function, which is the sum of weighted averages of utilities for generations, through fiscal policy, i.e., monetary transfers and taxes. Situations both with and withou...

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Placebo. Historie, biologi og effekt

Since 1950 or so, placebos and their effect have generated a considerable interest in certain medical communities, in particular among psychiatrists and the designers of clinical trials, yet the only significant external study of this phenomenon to appear has been Howard Brody's doctoral investigation, Placebos and the philosophy ofmedicine, published in 1980. In 1997, however, three book-lengt...

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Og y OF C Og NI TI ON 156 Reflections on My Collaboration with Francisco

> Context • Francisco Varela and Humberto Maturana worked closely together for several short episodes and wrote joint publications during the 1970s and 1980s. After that their respective paths in life diverged. > Problem • What is the common ground and what are the differences between these two authors with respect to their lives and aims? > Method • The author reconstructs their common history...

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Probing DNA by 2-OG-Dependent Dioxygenase

TET-mediated 5-methyl cytosine (5mC) oxidation acts in epigenetic regulation, stem cell development, and cancer. Hu et al. now determine the crystal structure of the TET2 catalytic domain bound to DNA, shedding light on 5mC-DNA substrate recognition and the catalytic mechanism of 5mC oxidation.

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عنوان ژورنال: Tímarit um uppeldi og menntun

سال: 2022

ISSN: ['2298-8408', '2298-8394']