Tradeoffs between mating effort and parenting effort in a polygynandrous mammal



•Male olive baboons invest in both mating effort and parenting effort•Investment are negatively correlated•Parenting has negative, but uncertain, effects on paternity success•Males seem to trade off Reproductive strategies defined by expenditures of time energy devoted effort, which increases opportunities, enhances the survival offspring. We examine tradeoffs between male baboons, Papio anubis, a species males compete for also form ties lactating females (primary associations) that represent effort. Males involved more primary associations less than who fewer associations. play smaller role establishing proximity their associates other males, suggesting operate under temporal constraints. There is some evidence involvement affects success. Taken together, data suggest face Male reproductive welfare offspring.1Trivers R. Parental investment sexual Campbell B. Sexual Selection Descent Man. Aldine de Gruyter, 1972: 136-179Google Scholar circumstances synergistic.2Stiver K.A. 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عنوان ژورنال: iScience

سال: 2023

ISSN: ['2589-0042']