The Display Week 2021 Symposium Preview



Dear Friends and Colleagues, On behalf of the Society for Information Display's program committee, I am pleased to welcome you Display Week 2021, our 58th International Symposium, Seminar, Exhibition, taking place May 17 21. This year marks second virtual event. Although we are disappointed that pandemic has once again prevented us from meeting face face, be able offer a high-quality event leverages experience gained hosting last year's show. 2021 will on-demand technical content was so popular in 2020, as well new opportunities interact with friends colleagues. Like year, each day mix short courses, seminars, symposium presentations organized by subject. The features 69 sessions consisting 282 oral (approximately 98 which invited) 115 poster presentations. More than quarter submissions represent two categories: OLEDs Active-Matrix Devices, followed closely strong showing Emissive, MicroLED, Quantum-Dot category. There papers interest all areas. committee is especially despite COVID-19, have continued draw around world: For example, we're publishing 119 China, 70 U.S., 65 Korea. Each SID's team designates special topics based on latest areas progress intensity. offering presentation tracks cover technologies applications AR, VR, Mixed Reality; High-Dynamic-Range Displays; Machine Learning Internet Things (IoT) Displays. We added author interviews lineup this real time many presenters. You'll also view Exhibitors’ Forum presentations, takes specific product/technology Once again, SID making program, exhibits, panels, etc., available registered users four months after Week—there plenty take like. Outside there are, course, other events enjoy at Week. hope some intriguing demos exhibit floor, example. You may check out much-anticipated keynote sessions, feature five speakers year. Women Technology panel CEO returning, another important highlight, Business Conference, offers expert discussion forecasts key industry markets. Your enthusiastic participation always been Week's success. sincerely look forward seeing conference show floor May. Respectfully yours, Wei Yao Program Chair Director Engineering, Electronics Architecture Apple Inc. Stephen P. Atwood showcase more exciting posters can one sitting. compiled few highlights here. WHILE THE DISPLAY WEEK SYMPOSIUM WILL ONCE AGAIN BE A event, still groundbreaking proving little slowed down research development efforts world. wide scope rich diversity work being presented testament depth skills nurtured great organizations In when traveling difficult, an even critical role showcasing such wonderful ongoing innovation. OLED technology remains most prolific 11 (#19 thru #28 plus posters) dedicated devices, materials, testing, complete displays. Important include longer lifetimes lower power consumption, enhanced performance overall. Hyperfluorescence gets substantial attention, several improved driving lifetime external quantum efficiency. consider paper 19.3, “Lifetime Enhancement Towards Commercialization Hyperfluorescence.” Author Junji Adachi Kyulux describes combining thermally activated delayed fluorescence provide narrow emission spectrum times higher efficiency without using any rare metals. device design hyperfluorescent blue good CIE color coordinates thus achieved. session 21, invited 21.2 Yun Chi, City University Hong Kong, reveals “Platinum (II)-Based Near Infrared Phosphors Efficient Organic Light-Emitting Diodes Peak Wavelength Beyond 800 nm.” emitters produced efficient electroluminescence peak wavelength nanometers (nm) make IR-OLED device. Later, same session, 21.4, “Highly Near-Infrared Phosphorescent OLEDs,” Zhiqiang Ji Universal Corporation, discloses their phosphor-OLED (PHOLED) performance—an ∼800 nm, maximum EQE (EQEmax) 9.7 percent, extremely spectrum. result 83 percent 97 emissions above 780 750 respectively. Session 27 leads off 27.1 Jinwon Sun Samsung Display, “Blue Future Display.” greater 10× improvement through phosphorescent emitter's chemical stability. Overall, 19 talks track. covers advancement rapidly evolving field research. topic microLEDs dots (QDs) fills 10 robust (sessions 58 66, covering hot quantum-dot electroluminescent displays (QD-LED microLED). While QD materials widely used today bulk conversion backlights, they studied use within individual pixels. Along microLEDs, these comprise new, emerging direct-emissive pixel hold promise myriad benefits over LCD One completely revealed photodetector technology, leaders. concept electro-optical thin-film highly synergistic QD-LED technology. people believe significantly increase now small short-wave infrared (SWIR) imaging market means 100–1000× prices, combination ability visible-to-SWIR wavelengths high resolution, efficiency, low dark currents. Ultimately, devices could expand display technology's enabling integration sensing Meanwhile, microLED metrology address toughest problems manufacturing facing: measurement, quality control (QC). And while think mass transfer issue, need effective QC processes enable yields no or minimal defects. includes three talks, including lead-off presentation: 58.1, aptly titled, “Overcoming Challenges MicroLED Inspection Manufacturing” David Lewis InZiv. Sessions 59 60 continue theme presenting reporting core assembly techniques To get broad perspective, 59.1, “From Lab Fab: Requirements High-Volume Manufacturing Equipment” Eric Virey Yole Développment. Since acquisition LuxVue 2014, companies proposing solutions New typically years mature, help outline summarize current challenges. Among addressing 63, 64, advances leverage QDs mode thin films, similar promises none negatives—and top that, outstanding gamut solution-processable manufacturing. contributions focus actual developments architectures targeted toward commercial RGB 63.1, “High-Performance Top Emission Devices,” Yixing Yang TCL promising achievements, does 63.3, “Low-Color-Shift Pixels Uniform Layer Thicknesses,” Montgomery Sharp Laboratories. revelations Masayuki Kanehiro Sharp, “Challenges Realizing 65, Diego Barrera Nanosys addresses combined problem high-performance removing toxic formulation quasi-cubic morphology methodology. These focused case QD-LEDs Color continues busy research, 62 contains astounding subject, talks. color-conversion properties mainstream effectively enhance displays’ performance, compete strongly TV monitor review materials’ strengths, discuss weaknesses, illustrate how advancing LCDs. Consumers rely information mobile anytime anyplace. Portability durability aspects easier comfortable use. plays major capabilities, foldable rollable Visit details. Increasing reliability objective recently. From structure-stacking encapsulation, glass material, adhesive aspects’ included sessions. Taewoong Kim 70.2, “Extremely Robust Rollable AMOLED Display,” developed 12.4-inch active-matrix (AMOLED) rolling radius 1 mm, created prototype artificial intelligence speaker display. passed daunting environmental tests 240 hours temperature relative humidity (RH) conditions 85°C/85 RH, 85°C, -40°C. next-generation displays, image sensors made flexible form factors, illustrated 69, “Flexible Displays Sensors.” first AUO's 69.1, “9.4-Inch 228-Ppi Flexible Micro LED presentation, invited, 69.2, “Sheet-Type Image Sensor Sensitive Photodiode,” Tokyo. growing reach it enables future emissive photodiode sensors. inspire stretchable development, Zhenan Bao Stanford shares 71.1, “Skin-Inspired Emerging Technology.” Royole published studies 2.7-inch, 42-ppi microLED-based 71.2, “Enabling Processes Designs Tight-Pitch Based Stretchable Michael McCreary E-Ink Guofu Zhou Guangdong Institute Electronic Paper were asked share breakthroughs update full-color electrophoretic video electro-fluidic 67.1, “Full-Color Electrophoretic Improved Update Time,” 67.3, “Progress Displays: Video Electrofluidic Finally, 67.4, Bodle Technologies apprise attendees architecture shutter-free, solid-state reflective Flexibility fact, regular dive into transistor (TFT) backplane substrates, low-temperature polycrystalline silicon (LTPS) TFT organic TFT, circuits arrays biometrics-under-display, applications. Consider 3.1 Jin Jang Kyung Hee University, where LTPS TFTs substrates laser annealing. approach greatly size volumes array ensuring excellent characteristics bending performance. track improvements oxide substrates. 4.2, Top-Gate Oxide Large-Area Displays,” Weiran Cao China Star Optoelectronics realized 16.9-inch top-gate indium gallium zinc (IGZO) rolled up 20 mm. Many advancements reported describing photodiodes fingerprint under fields augmented reality (AR/VR) 3D systems represented eight tracks, papers. AR/VR platform support delivery. Exploring area spanning diverse holographic light rendering, projection backlighting. solution achieve realistic adapting holography conventional devices. described 48, “3D Holographic Light Field Displays.” example talk Liangcai Tsinghua University: 48.1, “Holographic Complex-Amplitude Encoding Phase-Only SLMs,” band-limited double-phase method retrieve high-accuracy complex-amplitude encoding. reducing reconstruction noise. 48.2, Yoshiharu Momonoi R&D Japan “flipping-free” called Mirage. Instead parabolic mirrors, uses half mirror, hole, shows 360-degree images. Also, don't miss 48.5 Sony, eye-sensing (ELFD). exhibited Consumer Show (CES) 2020 released October 2020. reality, Phantogram eye-tracking applied 15.6-inch 4K 49 sources diodes (LD), advantages long life, consumption. reviews following: 50 interesting ideas VR projectors, screens, components sure future. multiple Facebook's AR glasses effort. Facebook prominent big player openly pursue smart sector. Papers 30.3 31.5, both Philip Bos, collaboration between Kent State's Liquid Crystal Reality Labs (FRL). waveguide-viewing optics slanted polarization volume gratings potential improve moves waveguide, optical view. Waveguide compact glasses, but variable-focus liquid crystal (LC) lens challenge systems: viewing comfort accommodation-vergence mismatch. authors present 5-centimeter (cm) aperture flat LC match display's human eye's accommodation demands, 500-millisecond (ms) switching speed. Invited 30.1 Chan-Mo Kang Telecommunications Research (ETRI) LetinAR custom high-aspect ratio coupled 4-mm thick guide pin-sized mirrors out-coupling elements. system provides 46.6 × 13.1 degrees goggle factor. alternative waveguide off-axis via combiner—but limited eye box makes staying aligned difficult. 31.1 Xinxing Xia Shanghai multiplexed hologram multiplies exit pupils box's size. Following 31.2 Jianghao Xiong Central Florida approaches dynamic pupil-steering polarization-dependent combiner fabricated cholesteric holography. Then, 31.3 Comrun Yousefzadeh State tackles pupil steering Pancharatnam-Berry phase device, advantage continuously steerable. HDR much separate pertaining area: 45, “OLED Dual-Cell begins 45.1 Shin Jae, LG 88-inch 8K OLED; 45.3 Takehisa Yoshida discussing Sharp's 8k dual-cell IGZO design; closes 45.4 Hua Huang detailing BOE's advanced structure LCD. 46, “Backlighting Gaming,” miniLED backlit 46.3 Hajime Akimoto, “Design Process 2D-Backlight 5,000 Nits.” 47, “HDR Energy LCDs,” 47.1 Chiu-Lien Innolux's mini-LED LCDs 47.5 Tatsuya Iwasaki FUJIFILM's reverse dispersion film LCDs, 47.4 En-Lin Hsiang Florida's ambient vision effects represented, containing variety makers, process equipment suppliers, material component suppliers. garnering significant deposition patterning, Deposition & Patterning.” depositing (and patterning) active light-emitter stack elements Unfortunately, vacuum thermal evaporation (VTE) fine-metal mask (FMM) not perceived final solution, because yield, cost, particle contamination issues. As result, needed discussed session. Starting 11.1 Yue Liu BOE Technology, “Sensitivity Analysis Mechanical Parameters Tensile Wrinkle Fine-Metal Mask,” finite element simulations reduce wrinkles FMM uniformity deposited layer's thickness. High-resolution patterning microdisplays. With mind, imec's Tung-Huei Ke photolithography 11.2, “Technology Developments High-Resolution FMM-free BEOL Power-Efficient Microdisplays.” pattern direct, “full-area” rather FMM. Because prone degradation oxygen humidity, fascinating intricate dry etch (via reactive ion etching) substantially degrading material. 11.3 Chiwoo Kim, APS Holdings, further impresses “2,400-ppi Side-by-Side Micro-Display Applications” high-resolution metal invar sheet. 11.4, “Ionization Electric Material Method Reducing Mask Shadow Effect,” Heemin Park utilizing tungsten (W) grid (in system) “flight path” Alq3 (used just “prototype material”) during VTE. narrows molecules’ angular spread behind mask, thereby mixing different emitter substrate. 9, 9.3 Nobuhiko Yabu Canon, “Performance Gen. 6 Exposure Tools 1.2-μm Resolution,” reports Canon's newest photomask scanner exposure sixth-generation (6G) 1.2-micrometer resolution. Two ago, received distinguished award SID, company continuing its existing tools. upcoming 54 57), joint “IoT displays.” themes AR/VR/mixed (MR) space, creating AR/MR headsets, integrating cameras improving near-to-eye systems. becoming in-pixel strain relief mechanisms. allows deformed loss functionality. 54.1 Sunchan Jo “Stretchable Era 4th Industrial Revolution.” roles highlight novel bounty aimed optical, electrical, X-ray domains range digital brain signal monitoring. 55.2 Tomoyuki Yokota Tokyo, “Nanomesh Skin Electronics” healthcare-monitoring Last, Liisa Hakola VTT Technical Centre Finland Ltd., discusses emergence classes electronic materials. principles impact, recyclable 55.1, “Beyond Sustainable Electronics.” applications—including sensors, photovoltaics—are demonstrated production-compatible techniques. automotive vehicular human-machine interface (HMI) 41 posters). trends following subjects: head-up (HUDs) eye-tracking, transparent (window/windscreen) (session 41), touch 44), instrument cluster 43), factors 42). 42, 42.2 General Motors’ R&D's Jingyan Wan, “Effects Luminance Contrast Font Size Dual-Plane HUD Legibility ('The Double 007 Rule HUDs'),” explores legibility age groups, particular older drivers, contrasts findings standards originating military avionics. Another notable 42.3 Karlheinz Blankenbach, “Advanced HMIs Evaluation Various Techniques Autonomous Robots Public Spaces,” Universities Pforzheim Ulm along ADLATUS Robotics. about autonomous robots’ “external” directional HMI. measurement researchers challenging tasks defining methods head-up, near-to-eye, flat-panel requirements extreme conditions. 51 53 (plus these. traditional characterize reflectance time, recent dashboards HUDs challenges develop those methods. brings set understanding methodologies. Becker sequential papers: 53.1 53.2, survey Standard Organization's standard ergonomics human-system interaction (ISO TC159 SC4 WG2) Electrotechnical Commission's Committee (IEC TC110). Becker's then demonstrate effect apertures outcomes ergonomic rating separation disturbing reflections intended information-carrying reflection components. 51, 51.1, Peter Blattner “The Commission Illumination (CIE) Aspects Measurement Uncertainty Photometry.” detailed 51.2 methodology “Measuring Capability Wide Gamut Near-Eye expectations Week, certainly don't-miss industry. executive editor. He Reach him at.

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عنوان ژورنال: Information Display archive

سال: 2021

ISSN: ['0362-0972', '2637-496X']