TCK'nun 142. Maddesi Üzerine Bilirkişi Raporları



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منابع مشابه

Türkiye'de Çevik Yazılım Geliştirme Üzerine Bir İnceleme

Özet. Günümüz i dünyasının rekabetçi ko ulları özellikle yazılım endüstrisindeki organizasyonların geli tirdikleri ürünleri hızla pazara sunmalarını, aynı zamanda de i en gereksinimlere kar ılık vermelerini gerektirmektedir. Çevik yakla ımlar dü ük maliyet, yüksek üretkenlik ve kalite vaatleri göz önünde bulundurularak pek çok yazılım organizasyonu tarafından son yıllarda uygulanmaya ba lanmı t...

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Free texts are still the main source of information in medical domain. This format is widely used for both storage and exchange of information of individual patient. Nevertheless, this form of information is not as useful as structured and coded data for decision making in medical domain. Reuse of this information requires extensive efforts. This paper describes a system that processes free tex...

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Npgrj_NN_2034 135..142

Nerve growth factor (NGF) has an important role in regulating sympathetic neuron survival and target field innervation during development. Here we show that glucocorticoid-induced tumor necrosis factor receptor–related protein (GITR), a member of the TNF superfamily, and its ligand (GITRL) are co-expressed in mouse sympathetic neurons when their axons are innervating their targets under the inf...

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134 - 142 Chua TH.pmd

Since a safe and effective mass vaccination program against dengue fever is not presently available, a good way to prevent and control dengue outbreaks depends mainly on controlling the mosquito vectors. Aedes aegypti mosquito populations can be monitored and reduced by using ovitraps baited with organic infusions. A series of laboratory experiments were conducted which demonstrated that the ba...

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عنوان ژورنال: Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi

سال: 1988

ISSN: 0378-2921

DOI: 10.1501/sbfder_0000001497