Społeczeństwo młodych zagrożone suicydogennie



In the literature on subject, suicide is considered as a specific social phenomenon - one of deviant behaviors, which also an indicator disintegration. Due to fact that effects are social, classified pathology, referred disease. Objective: To indicate important problem with increasing trend. Hypothesis: Adolescence period when there significant risk committing suicide. Methods: The study used method analysis and system professional literature, monographic descriptive statistical data. Conclusions: synthesis source materials allows us conclude few fatal attempts among children under 12 years age. It different in case young people aged 13-18, who already have sense their own mortality. Adolescents become capable intellectually assimilating physiological, metaphysical, biological aspects death. Implications for theory practice: Therefore, suicidal behavior, rare early adolescence, becoming more common adolescents. addition, occurrence thoughts before puberty correlates later attempts, adolescents (more often than adults) repeated attempts. Originality value: article systematize determinants behavior present attempt personal category threats.

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عنوان ژورنال: Polityka i Spo?ecze?stwo

سال: 2023

ISSN: ['1732-9639']

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15584/polispol.2023.1.1