Schopenhauer in Dante’s Garden of Eden: Melancholy and Rubén Darío’s “Autumnal”
NOT LONG AFTER his arrival in Chile from Nicaragua 1886, Rubén Darío published an article the newspaper El mercurio, which he lamented present state of arts. Speaking Chilean poets particular, complains: “Casi todos permanecen silenciosos; casi han olvidado el amable comercio de las Gracias. Quién con la cartera del diplomático no cura si Fama le ha encumbrado a categoría primer poeta filosófico América; quién en prosaicas oficinas cuenta números lugar hemistiquios” (qtd. Martínez, introduction 15; Almost all remain silent; almost have forgotten kind commerce with Graces. One, diplomat’s briefcase, cares not if Fame has raised him to rank premier philosophical poet America; another, prosaic office, counts numbers instead hemistichs).1 Darío’s scorn for those accountants who waste their time mundane offices balancing accounts and calculating profits reflects typical modernista critique contemporary bourgeois society. While people could be composing verses that bring world closer invisible spiritual realities, they are mired, instead, vain earthly pursuits leave society feeling unfulfilled, discontent, isolated. Yet this dualistic vision defined by counting money, on one hand, hemistichs, other, also presents perceived crisis terms similar traditionally characterized concept melancholy. Since antiquity, suffered melancholy were often pictured as gloomy, materialistic excelled at such activities measuring. However, it was possible conceive positive terms, thought negative effects occasionally controlled even sublimated allow incredible achievements, arts, example (Yates 51). Melancholy claim both morose bookkeepers well creative geniuses, is why sixteenth-century Dominican friar, Battista da Crema, opined melancholic person “either angel or demon” Brann 134). comments speak dichotomous perception modernity dominated traits melancholy, but suggest artistic fulfillment may tantalizingly close hand. His remarks reveal mindset adjusted life new surroundings, these initial reflections find fullest expression poem “Autumnal.” Through comparison series poetic texts, visual representations, Arthur Schopenhauer’s philosophy, examines ways discourse informed conception “Autumnal” passage discontent ecstasy.“Autumnal” third four poems called año lírico, appears landmark book, Azul . (1888). As title suggests, autumn provides theme poem, like many other texts , originally Valparaíso newspaper, La época, 1887. Before took up residence Chile, though, had already shown interest using seasons reflect evidenced “Ecce homo.” This written when still lived Central America teenager, humanity afflicted “spleen.” The voice addresses God describes how spleen insinuates itself into everyone: nos invade, sofoca,esta tu humanidad se vuelve loca,a fuerza sufrir tantos revesesy tanto desengaño.(25–28)2Spleen invades us, suffocates us,this yours goes crazy,after suffering so setbacksand much disillusionment.In text, result endless monotony daily symbolized unending repetition seasons: “No podemos mirar tanta flema / esas evoluciones que llaman estaciones” (15–17; We cannot look upon phlegm evolutions seasons). word “spleen” metonymic reminder conceptual origins humoral psychology, according condition resulted excess black bile produced organ. term nearly synonymous ennui, so-called mal du siècle, encompassed feelings boredom, sadness, disillusionment. Faced tacit refusal grant respite everyday life, subject homo” looks around sees only moribund tedium. Nature, heavens, society, religion, science, female beauty, art consulted antidotes, none offers any deliverance. returns, rather, continues (“yo me muero spleen” [339]; I’m dying spleen), leaving hope: Visión pura amor, dame consuelo:corramos esta noche cortina;abre tus ojos, quiero ver cielo,visión visión divina.Aquí mi corazón tengo guardadoun pequeño edén iluminadopor luz una aurora indefinida,donde, tempestad, hallamos calmasrecogidos yo y Ella,mi adorada, bella.Se besan dulcemente nuestras almas,y refresca rostro mansa brisa,y inunda gozode amada cándida sonrisa.(353–66)Pure love, give comfort:let us lift curtain night;open your eyes, I want see heaven,pure divine.Here my heart keep storeda small Eden own, illuminatedby light undefined dawn,where, amid storm, we calmShe I, huddled,my adored, beautiful.Our souls sweetly kiss,and soft breeze refreshes face,and am flooded delightof beloved’s bright smile.The mystical, Neoplatonic symbolism characterizes lines culminates last stanza, idealized woman kiss (“se almas” [363]), bliss (“gozo” [365]) beholding smile beloved washes over lyric voice. Taking refuge abstract, intangible woman, rather than living, breathing one, repeatedly disappointing search poetry comfort sexual pleasure (Palacios Vivas 35). expresses misogynistic rejection supposedly temporary, physical, impure beauty imputed real women, described collectively “un rebaño lindos luciferes” (242; flock pretty Lucifers), favor “hermosura verdadera” (256; true beauty). In its reworking vanitas trope, reduces physical attractiveness attributed women flesh blood just that, costal carne huesos” (312; sack bones). For Darío, indulgence sex serves exacerbate since fleeting suspension after dissatisfaction return more acutely. Lily Litvak writes, Eros sólo produce placer sino también soledad, desolación, desesperación, melancolía, spleen. Precisamente, son misantropía pesimismo erotismo fin siglo lo muestran su fundamento espiritual. Este impulso concreta filosofía idealista, vagamente derivada los filósofos alemanes, manifiesta consideración dualista vida como un campo batalla entre fuerzas espirituales terrenales. (3–4)Eros produces pleasure, solitude, desolation, desperation, It precisely misanthropy pessimism end-of-century eroticism show foundation. impulse takes form idealism, vaguely derived German philosophers, becomes evident understanding battleground between terrestrial forces.This failure contrasts beauty) projected serene brings great joy, peace, relief pain suggests whereas material pleasures fail, perhaps imagined conceived echoes nineteenth-century idealist philosophy can attained. foreshadows what subsequently “Autumnal,” establishes structural pattern followed later poem. introduced, deliverance pursued, mystical concludes text. follows sequence, reinforcing intensifying through subtle evocations influential artwork.The first indication subtext itself, temperament long been associated season fall. There something seemingly natural seasonal connection, indeed professed much: autumnal es estación reflexiva. Naturaleza comunica sin palabras, sus hojas pálidas, cielos taciturnos, opacidades melancólicas. ensueño impregna reflexión. recuerdo ilumina interior apacible más amables secretos nuestra memoria. Respiramos, través aire mágico, perfume antiguas rosas. Ramoneda 28)Autumn reflection. Without words, Nature communicates pale leaves, taciturn skies, opaqueness. Revery pervaded Recollection, gentle light, illuminates kindest secrets our memory. breathe, magical air, ancient roses.Darío’s assessment associations very own personal convictions experiences, consistent conventional interpretation extends back antiquity. mentioned above, derives ultimately psychology humors (blood, yellow bile, phlegm) each related extensive system corresponding temperaments, ages, elements, planets, seasons, times day (table 1).3 adulthood, earth, Saturn, autumn, afternoon, referenced line poem: En pálidas tardesyerran nubes tranquilasen azul; ardientes manosse posan cabezas pensativas.(1–4)On afternoonstranquil clouds wanderin blue; ardent handspensive heads rest.Described plural singular, sits head hand drift afternoon sky colored shades (“pálidas tardes” [1]). said observe directly float overhead, presence air taken symbolize thoughts move mind. content meditations revealed indirectly exclamations: “¡Ah suspiros! ¡Ah dulces sueños! tristezas íntimas” (5–6; Ah sighs! sweet dreams! intimate sorrows!), nostalgia longing.Another reflection tradition pose assumed subject, cradled hands. bodily position most enduring recognizable iconographic attributes frequently depicted artwork verbal texts. Hispanic tradition, descriptions gesture, understood proper “dejected spirits, morbid brooding melancholy” (Nordström 18) appear medieval Spanish continue paintings portrait Don Gaspar Melchor Jovellanos (1798) (fig. 1) Francisco Goya 133–41). modern depiction however, appeared three centuries earlier Albrecht Dürer’s Melencolia (1514) 2).This engraving especially popular France, where “fame literary circles” (Patty 245). several same admired imitated, Théophile Gautier, composed Melancholia (1834). Gautier imagines Dürer contemplating misery frustration posture engraving: Il semble te voir au coin ta fenêtreEtroite, à vitraux peints, dans ton fauteuil d’ancêtre.L’ogive encadre front bleuissant d’outremer,Comme tes tableaux, ô vieil Albert Dürer!Nuremberg sur ciel dresse ses mille flèches,Et découpe toits aux silhouettes sèches;Toi, coude genou, menton main,Tu rêves tristement pauvre sort humain.(121–28; emphasis added)Behind painted panes methinks thee there,In thy strait window-nook, thine ancestral chair.The ogive frames front, ’gainst ground gold,As pictures ’tis, o old.Nürnberg thousand spires outlines against skyAnd lifts angled roofs gables builded high;Whilst, sadly, chin elbow knee,Thou ponderest lot poor humanity.(Payne 121–28; added)The description Nuremberg contrast elevated humdrum lives inhabitants below. implies enjoys view artist personifies creation (“dans sa création t’a personnifié” [136]) From there extolls capturing spirit himself superior spirituality bygone age. particularly revealing ekphrasis print, interprets luminary background comet, conventional, sun setting sea (“. d’un grand soleil tout noir” [168]). discussed below, pairs sea.The final evocation stanza involves enveloped golden dust. exclaims: polvo oro flota,tras cuyas ondas trémulas miranlos ojos tiernos húmedos,las bocas inundadas sonrisas,las crespas cabellerasy dedos rosa acarician!(7–12)Ah dust gold floats airbehind whose flickering waves seentender damp eyes,mouths smiles,curly hairand fingers roses caress!The emergence smiling face familiar readers Here she behind cloud, lending her mysterious quality, traits, including tender wavy hair, fingers, commonly characters throughout lírico. potential touch heightens sensuality, seems offer reassurance Ostensibly, merely refers fantasy daydreaming clue metaphorical meaning traced classical poetry. known dawn conventionally personified Homer’s rose became trope epic genre. colors personification “pale sky.”4 (“dedos rosa” [12]) sky, too, lit (“las [1]), place during would descending. Her apparition therefore interpreted reference dawn, read evening twilight. such, metaphorically caress warmth, while recedes earth. curly tresses (“crespas cabelleras” [11]) likewise recall sunbeams, floating (“polvo oro” [7]) resembles crepuscular rays, “shafts sunlit separated cloud shadows, made visible scattering airborne particles” (Pretor-Pinney 225). Finally, portrayal facial features relation water specific location setting. declining sea, eyes thus become humid mouth flooded. crests troughs illuminated innumerable smiles arrayed across surface sonrisas” [10]).5 Understanding atmospherics important because yet another part 21). These reinforce explicit (“En [1]) describing sunset.Understanding “polvo (7; gold) particles suspended sunset helps influence description. Rosemary C. LoDato, beginning reinforces expressed opening epigraph, “Eros, Vita, Lumen” (135). She argues “in particle contains secret meaning. Gold decorative metal; esoteric alchemical symbol knowledge perfection” certainly correct, should added secret, hidden enhanced previous treatments go least far Lucretius’s On Things. book 2 Epicureanism, Lucretius writes: contemplator enim, cum solis lumina cumqueinserti fundunt radii per opaca domorum:multa minuta modis multis inane videbiscorpora misceri radiorum lumine ipso.(2.114–17)For you let peep shuttered roomPouring forth brilliance beams gloom,And you’ll myriads motes moving waysThroughout void intermingling rays .(Stallings 39)6Lucretius provide sight specks shafts commenting: quod tales turbae motus quoque materiai significant clandestinos caecosque subesse. multa videbis enim plagis ibi percita caecis commutare viam retroque repulsa reverti, nunc huc illuc, cunctas undique partis. scilicet hic principiis est omnibus error: prima moventur primordia rerum.(2.127–33)Such turmoil means motions, out sight,That lie concealed matter. careenOff course, then bounce again, blows unseen,Drifting now direction, every side.You sure starts atoms; provideThe base unrest.(Stallings 39–40)For Lucretius, erratic motions evidence elemental constitutes substance reality. Humans able atoms, Epicureanism surely sensorial world. Unlike materialist, unobservable reality lurks under cover objects strictly physical.Many later, John Milton image works classic treatment “Il penseroso” (1645) serious antithetical counterpart “L’Allegro” (1645), praises carefree spent pursuing pleasure. lighthearted depicts deep revelations lifestyle devoted contemplation self-discipline. begins unequivocal renunciation frivolous delights celebrated “L’Allegro”: Hence deluding joys,The brood Folly without father bred,How little bestead,Or fill fixèd mind toys;Dwell some idle brain,And fancies fond gaudy shapes possess,As thick numberlessAs gay sunbeams,Or likest hovering dreams.(1–9; added)Here “gay sunbeams” (8) refer sunlight. Milton’s, references particulates (line 7 8 Penseroso”), serve establish Milton, symbolizes mirth, David Miller observes: faults joy negative. They “vain,” “deluding,” “fickle” dreams, account dancing harm man insofar prevent desiring higher state. (35)In effect, employs found denounce values espoused of—or popularly with—the Roman poet. neither nor lies beyond motes. Epicurean, smaller underlie appearances, crucial works. unseen gives Nor does concerned se, looms LoDato argues, is, indeed, symbolic deeper, knowledge; sun, enchanting, woman. countenance deepest consists.There further similarities Milton’s help highlight pensive person, reflected early “cabezas pensativas” (4; heads) penseroso.” subjects gaze lights midnight, recount distant sounds hear position. Likewise, darkness poems, appearance initially veiled before fully visible. Most conclude rapture. among “studious cloister’s pale” (156) wishes divine revelation: “There pealing organ blow, To full-voiced choir service high, anthems clear, sweetness, ear, Dissolve ecstasies, And Heav’n mine eyes” (161–66). speaker hears similarly unearthly music (“músicas nunca oídas” [52]) experiencing ineffable holy (“sacras dichas” [60]) soul, ecstatic experience role text.The visions experienced exemplify heightened mental states capable provoking. Traditional theories based diverse theological, philosophical, physiological arguments held inspired lead bursts creativity some, others provoke prophecies, visions, transport Darío. Lauren S. Dixon, example, idea religious “enthusiasm,” melancholia originated Greek philosophy. Socrates privileged discussion “blessed” types madness: prophecy, revelation, inspiration, lovesickness. Christianity Aristotle, linked genius enthousiastikon, possessed inspired. (31)“Il exemplifies thinking, Frances A. Yates calls “supreme theory (56). nineteenth century, versions ideas continued French included head-in-hand iconography Charles Baudelaire (Patty; Hauptman). predisposing revelations, tightly bound otherworldly sensibility ascetics alike antiquity century. ever attracted esotericism, afforded rich intellectual foundation imagine paths secrets.7 By invoking head-in-hand, evoking paradigmatic penseroso,” knowledge, salvation.Beginning second fairy acts guide quest. leads pilgrimage commences preliminary consisting “lo cantan pájaros, llevan brisas, vaga nieblas, sueñan niñas” (17–20; birds sing, breezes bring, drifts mists, girls dream), whet companion’s appetite. clears away obscures, indecipherable, makes unseen, disclosing accessible few others. companion “sed infinita” (22; infinite thirst) beseeches escort “inspiración honda, profunda, inmensa: luz, calor, aroma, vida” (25–26; deep, profound, immense: scent, life). Stanzas 4, 5, 6 depict succession escalating stimulate subject’s senses craving time. begin night, “noche oscura,” ascend mountain, treated twinkling stars (32), ensuing sunrise (36), fragrance flowers (45), sound enchanting strange noises (50–52). interesting, represents twilight portrayal, compared young (36–40). sensory stimuli kinds remedies prescribed alleviate symptoms here function way, always gasping more. “¡Más!” repeated (35, 41, 49), once stanzas 6. revelation satisfy completely thirst leaves entranced speechless.Just rapture, voices, echoes, laughter, murmurs, flutterings, “músicas (52; never heard before). proceed transcendent realm, destination follower. arrived interstices worlds, thin veil “ansias infinitas” (54; desires), profunda” (55; profound inspiration), “alma liras” (56; soul lyres). intervening partition quite distinct Queen Mab story name prose narrative, queen’s artists magic dreams harsh conditions surroundings. “El velo reina Mab,” blanketed desirable alters artists’ perception, enabling them rose-colored filter. archetypal barrier mortal immortal, illusion reality, marking limit humans trespass separates individuals unity rest universe. disconnect Romanticism strove overcome might mythical thereby completeness.8 grants rare glimpse realm tears veil: “Y rasgó. Y allí todo era aurora. fondo vía bello mujer” (57–59; [she] tore it. everything dawn. seen beautiful woman). sunlight pours opening, discerns led depths dejection height ecstasy, rising dar
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عنوان ژورنال: Comparative Literature
سال: 2021
ISSN: ['1945-8517', '0010-4124']