Rotational energy harvesting for self-powered sensing



Rotational energy has been a key element in many domestic and industrial areas from wristwatches to offshore wind turbines. It utilized on large scale megawatt-scale hydraulic power generators kilowatt-scale vehicles rotating machines, watt-scale hand-held tools, milliwatt (microwatt) rotational harvesters. The scope of this review is microwatt-level harvesters (millimeter centimeter size) that are typically used energize low-power electronics for long-term self-powered sensing applications the era Internet Things. In order enhance structural smartness perform autonomous condition-based maintenance, wireless, embedded, distributed sensors increasingly introduced critical infrastructure systems, such as bridges, vehicles, monitor their conditions real time. However, these wireless mostly powered by on-board batteries require regular recharging or replacement. Although an external source available applications, connection might add undesirable cost complication, particularly retro-fitted sensors, be impractical mounted parts structure. Batteries tolerable when number moderate, but replacement will excessively costly inconvenient thousands millions adopted, remote otherwise inaccessible locations. Miniature can provide self-sustained converting sources local environment into electricity. major challenges harvesting capability, operating bandwidth, device miniaturization, system reliability harnessing random, broadband, potentially low-frequency sources. review, characterized, accordingly, designs categorized basis operational principles. fundamentals methodologies adopted discussed with analysis contribution effective harvesting. An application-oriented also provided progress different discussion advantages disadvantages methods those applications. 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عنوان ژورنال: Joule

سال: 2021

ISSN: ['2542-4351', '2542-4785']