
منابع مشابه

O dicionario de sinónimos como recurso para a expansión de WordNet

Esta investigación reaĺızase no marco do proxecto Adquisición de escenarios de conocimiento a través de la lectura de textos: Desarrollo y aplicación de recursos para el procesamiento lingǘıstico del gallego (SKATeR-UVIGO) financiado polo Ministerio de Economı́a y Competitividad, TIN2012-38584-C06-04. Queremos agradecer aqúı sinceramente as valiosas contribucións para a mellora do artigo das tre...

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A New CAPTCHA Interface Design for Mobile Devices

This paper discusses and demonstrates the interplay between system security and user interface convenience in CAPTCHA design, and in particular, mobile device CAPTCHA design. A CAPTCHA is a computer-based security test used to distinguish human users from artificial users, preventing automated abuse of networked resources. As mobile network services improve, we can anticipate that future mobile...

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Diseño de recurso educativo abierto con un sistema experto para la enseñanza-aprendizaje de base de datos

This article describes the development of Open Educational Resources (OER) through an expert system (SE) to supplement the teaching-learning process, and thus fulfill the main requirements for easy addition to OER repositories. The development process is based on the technological model for the creation of OER proposed in 2014. These resources support learning and teaching practice increasing t...

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Redes de palabras alineadas como recurso en la extracción de equivalencias léxicas de traducción y su aplicación en la alineación

The notion of lexical translation equivalent is defined via correspondence established between two languages conventionally called source and target languages. We propose a method for extraction such equivalents for non-functional words. Our algorithm is based in two main resources: (1) MultiWordNet as a specialized lexicon for each one of the two languages in question and (2) a parallel text c...

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A Rede Social De Indivíduos Sob Tratamento Em Um Caps Ad: O Ecomapa Como Recurso La Red Social De Individuos Bajo Tratamiento En Un Centro De Atención Psicosocial De Alcohol Y Drogas (caps Ad): El Ecomapa Como Recurso

This study assessed individuals undergoing treatment at a Psychosocial Care Center for Alcohol and Drugs Abuse (CAPS ad) in Southern Brazil. There were 300 hours of participant observation and focal groups, in which the ecomap was used as an instrument to describe social support sources. The study objective was to identify the social network of individuals undergoing treatment due to drug abuse...

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عنوان ژورنال: Revista ErgodesignHCI

سال: 2018

ISSN: 2317-8876

DOI: 10.22570/ergodesignhci.v1i1.44