New cautious BFGS algorithm based on modified Armijo-type line search


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منابع مشابه

On the convergence of the modified Levenberg-Marquardt method with a nonmonotone second order Armijo type line search

Recently, Fan [4, Math. Comput., 81 (2012), pp. 447-466] proposed a modified Levenberg-Marquardt (MLM) method for nonlinear equations. Using a trust region technique, global and cubic convergence of the MLM method is proved [4] under the local error bound condition, which is weaker than nonsingularity. The purpose of the paper is to investigate the convergence properties of the MLM method with ...

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On efficiency of nonmonotone Armijo-type line searches

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On the Global Convergence of the BFGS Method for Nonconvex Unconstrained Optimization Problems

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A class of nonmonotone Armijo-type line search method for unconstrained optimization

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عنوان ژورنال: Journal of Inequalities and Applications

سال: 2012

ISSN: 1029-242X

DOI: 10.1186/1029-242x-2012-241