Navigating institutional complexity in socio-technical transitions



• Institutional complexity arises from overlapping institutional logics with incompatible demands. is inherent and will inevitably arise within socio-technical transition trajectories. We develop a phase model on how builds up settles in trajectory. A case study the water sector of San Francisco illustrates can be successfully mitigated. Intermediary actors, organizational adaptations field-level reconfigurations play key role navigating phases increased complexity. Transitions one regime configuration to another entail long complexity, where two or more field co-exist induce incompatibilities frictions. This paper presents dynamic model, which characterizes types that may build settle across various transition, illustrated diffusion onsite reuse Francisco. Results semi-structured expert interviews focus group demonstrate different forms follow each other trajectory formidable strategic agency needed by actors prolonged competing cultural Gaining balanced perspective both help better explain why transitions succeed some places fail others.

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عنوان ژورنال: Environmental innovation and societal transitions

سال: 2021

ISSN: ['2210-4232', '2210-4224']