Mutation-specific pathophysiological mechanisms define different neurodevelopmental disorders associated with SATB1 dysfunction



Whereas large-scale statistical analyses can robustly identify disease-gene relationships, they do not accurately capture genotype-phenotype correlations or disease mechanisms. We use multiple lines of independent evidence to show that different variant types in a single gene, SATB1, cause clinically overlapping but distinct neurodevelopmental disorders. Clinical evaluation 42 individuals carrying SATB1 variants identified overt associated with pathophysiological mechanisms, established by functional assays. Missense the CUT1 and CUT2 DNA-binding domains result stronger chromatin binding, increased transcriptional repression, severe phenotype. In contrast, predicted haploinsufficiency are milder clinical presentation. A similarly mild phenotype is observed for premature protein truncating escape nonsense-mediated decay, which transcriptionally active mislocalized cell. Our results suggest in-depth mutation-specific studies essential full complexity explain phenotypic variability. 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Note p.Gln402Arg, p.Glu407Gly/p.Glu407Gln, p.Gln525Arg, p.Glu530Gly/p.Glu530Lys/p.Glu530Gln affect equivalent positions within respective domains, while p.Gln420Arg p.Glu547Lys cognate regions.(B) 3D model (left; PDB: 2O4A) (right; based 2CSF) interaction DNA (yellow). Mutated residues highlighted red cyan CUT2, along ribbon visualization corresponding burgundy dark blue, respectively.(C) 3D-homology homeobox (based 1WI3 2D5V) mutated residue shown light gray gray.(B C) detailed descriptions cohort, see Supplemental data.View Large Image ViewerDownload Hi-res image Download (PPT)Table 1Summary characteristics (de novo) variantsAll individualsIndividuals deletionsIndividuals variants%Present/total assessed%Present/total assessedNeurologicIntellectual disability9028/31808/109520/21 Normal103/31202/1051/21 Borderline00/3100/1000/21 Mild268/31606/10102/21 Moderate103/31101/10102/21 Severe196/3100/10296/21 Profound196/3100/10296/21 Unspecified165/31101/10194/21Developmental delay9735/3610012/129623/24Motor delay9234/379211/129223/25Speech delay8932/368310/129222/24Dysarthria306/2091/11565/9Epilepsy6122/36182/118020/25EEG abnormalities7919/24292/710017/17Hypotonia7628/37425/129223/25Spasticity2810/3600/124210/24Ataxia226/27172/12274/15Behavioral disturbances7124/34587/127717/22Sleep disturbances4112/29273/11509/18Abnormal imaging5517/31433/75814/24Regression176/3581/12225/23GrowthAbnormalities pregnancy248/33273/11235/22Abnormalities delivery3210/31556/11204/20Abnormal term delivery62/31101/1051/21 Preterm (<37 weeks)62/31101/1051/21 Postterm (>42 weeks)00/3100/1000/21Abnormal weight birth165/32222/9133/23 Small gestational age (p90)62/32111/941/23Abnormal head circumference birth71/14171/600/8 Microcephaly (p97)71/14171/600/8Abnormal height216/2991/11285/18 Short stature (p97)72/2991/1161/18Abnormal circumference237/31111/9276/22 (p97)00/3100/900/22Abnormal weight4813/27111/96712/18 Underweight (p97)267/2700/9397/18Other featuresFacial dysmorphisms6724/36647/116817/25Dental/oral abnormalities7124/34556/117818/23Drooling/dysphagia3812/32253/12459/20Hearing abnormalities72/30182/1100/19Vision abnormalities5517/31738/11459/20Cardiac abnormalities196/32273/11143/21Skeleton/limb abnormalities3813/34182/114811/23Hypermobility joints308/27303/10295/17Gastrointestinal abnormalities5317/32273/116714/21Urogenital abnormalities175/3000/11265/19Endocrine/metabolic abnormalities309/3000/11479/19Immunological abnormalities328/25252/8356/17Skin/hair/nail abnormalities248/3491/11307/23Neoplasms medical history00/3400/1100/23 Open table tab (A) regions. 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K.R. employee Ambrygen Genetics. extremely grateful families participating study. addition, wish thank members Genome Technology Center Cell culture facility, Department Genetics, Radboud university center, Nijmegen, processing proband-derived lines. work financially Aspasia grants Dutch Research Council ( 015.014.036 T.K. 015.014.066 L.E.L.M.V.), Netherlands Organization Health Development 91718310 T.K.), Max Planck Society (J.d.H., S.E.F.), Oxford Brookes University , Leverhulme Trust British Academy (D.F.N.), Swiss National Science Foundation 31003A_182632 A.R.), Lithuanian-Swiss cooperation program reduce economic social disparities enlarged European Union (A.R., Ku?inskas) Jérôme Lejeune (A.R.). acknowledge ALSPAC, 100,000 Genomes Project, “TRANSLATE NAMSE,” Genomic Answers Kids (see acknowledgments). collaborations facilitated ERN ITHACA, 24 Reference Networks (ERNs) approved Board Member States, co-funded Commission. aims contribute Solve-RD (E.d.B., H.G.B., S.B., A.-S.D.-P., L.F., C.G., A.J., T.K., A.V., has received funding Union’s Horizon 2020 innovation grant agreement No 779257 . .pdf (16.5 MB) Help pdf files Document S1. S1–S13, S2–S5 S8–S10, acknowledgments, material methods, .xlsx (.05 xlsx details (.02 S6. Summary clinical, findings per S7. List grouped semantic similarity, .zip zip HPOFormat (.JSON file) GenBank,, Protein Bank,

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عنوان ژورنال: American Journal of Human Genetics

سال: 2021

ISSN: ['0002-9297', '1537-6605']