Mothering, education and culture: Russian, Palestinian and Jewish middle‐class mothers in Israeli Society By DeborahGoldenLaurenErdreichSvetaRobermanLondon: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018. ISBN 978‐1‐137‐53630‐3, 225 pp., £89.99 (hb)



Mothering, Education and Culture is a fascinating immensely readable ethnographic study of mothering in modern Israel. Based on comparison middle-class Russian, Palestinian Jewish women, it examines how these groups mother their children, the values they seek to impart them see children's future rapidly changing sometimes volatile society. The role education central both this imagined contemporary as mothers juxtaposition motherhood gives book very broad appeal. Another great strength obvious empathy authors show for all way analyse behaviours with such insight sympathy. chapters examine three different sets when comes raising children being mother. Russian mothers, mostly recent immigrants, place high premium education, but value educational system left behind, which favoured strictness emphasized qualifications intellectual artistic accomplishments. viewed form intensive development, where child continually learning, stretched, outcome successful completion university followed by well-paid professional job. While might sound somewhat narrow, argue that must be seen context immigration Israel many highly educated Russians had accept significant loss social status, taking menial jobs were over qualified. They view best achieve mobility, send schools adhere standards, prioritize attainment well-being, viewing ensuring good futures children. In contrast, aim strong personality; leader rather than follower, able overcome thrive even faced political inequalities. are part new generation Israeli Arabs who will reform recreate Again, critical invest deal time, effort emotional resources attend treated equals leaders notion personalities supported. Simultaneously also carving out roles themselves: Palestinians, Israelis modern, balancing, often precariously, daughter daughter-in-law, wife stress irreplacibility physically emotionally present, striving give undivided attention. respect style parenting ‘intensive mothering’ shows greater (sometimes obsessive) concern children’s well-being opposed achievements. Mothers themselves primary carers fulfilling secondary role. Few troubled about what teaching worry instead happy not them. This say without anxiety roles: growing up time social, economic demographic shifts middle class—traditionally made secular, Ashkenazi Jews like themselves—is under threat. therefore attempt build only families communities there much work done building networks connections other families, thereby preserving haven challenging times. lies its comparative approach clearly intense labour women put into (and exhausting can be—even willingly love). each group has priorities ideals, create possible childhoods acknowledges applauds doing so makes contribution our knowledge intimate ties.

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عنوان ژورنال: Children & Society

سال: 2021

ISSN: ['0951-0605', '1099-0860']