أسلوب أداء مصاحبة البیانو المعدة لمقدمة آلة الهارب عند موریس رافیل Maurice Ravel


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أسلوب تشجیع العمال وتوبیخهم عند امیرالمؤمنین علی (ع)؛ تأکیدًا على نهج البلاغة

کان الإمام علی (ع) فی عهد حکومته یتعامل مع عماله وولاته بشکل یمثل عبرة للمجتمع البشری. یمکن تقییم جزء من هذه المعاملة فی مجالین هما التشجیع والتوبیخ. فکان جزء من هذه التشجیعات فی حیاة الوالی وجزء بعد وفاته. وکان یقترن بعناصر مثل التعبیر عن بعض الکفاءات کالشجاعة والولاء والمکانة السامیة لدى الإمام. تجدر الإشارة إلى أنه إلى جانب هذه التشجیعات. فقد حذر أمیر المؤمنین (ع) الولاة وأمرهم بمراعاة الحقو...

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The Ravel data set

We introduce a publicly available data set which covers examples of Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) scenarios. These scenarios are recorded using the audio-visual robot head POPEYE, equipped with two cameras and four microphones. All the recordings were performed in a standard meeting room enclosing all the challenges of natural indoor scenes. This data set provides a basis to test and benchmark ...

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Ravel: Orchestrating Software-Defined Networks

Software-defined networking (SDN) use cases commonly involve multiple applications that collectively drive the network. The use cases are growing bigger and more complex, raising the need to break them into more manageable and reusable small pieces, as the design principle of separation of concerns suggests. Simultaneously, new business models [2] are driving the use cases beyond the control of...

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Gerald Maurice Edelman.

Professor Gerald Maurice Edelman died in La Jolla, California, on May 17, 2014, at the age of 84. His wife, Maxine Morrison Edelman, and three children, Judith, Eric, and David, survive him. We, of course, remember him for his brilliant scientific career. However, I have received many comments from people who, upon hearing of his death, remarked along lines similar to these: “It’s the end of an...

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Maurice Ptito, MD, Ph

In this series of studies, we used a monkey model of human hemispherectomy in order to characterize behavioral recovery and anatomical reorganization of the visual system. Monkeys were tested neurobehaviorally on a variety of tests every 6 months for a period of 30 months. Thereafter, the organization of the retinofugal pathways was studied by means of histological techniques. At the behavioral...

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عنوان ژورنال: مجلة علوم وفنون الموسیقى

سال: 2020

ISSN: 2682-454X

DOI: 10.21608/jfma.2020.31087.1031