

XI. yüzy?l ve sonras?nda Orta Asya'dan Anadolu'ya göç eden Türk boylar? kendileriyle birlikte edebî geleneklerini de beraberinde getirmi?lerdir. Böylece Anadolu'da O?uz ?ivesine dayal? yeni bir yaz? dili geli?meye ba?lam??t?r. Ayn? zamanda Arapçadan Farsçadan tercümeler Bu dönemde mesnevi, Kur'an tercümeleri, siyer, f?k?h, tezkiretü'l-evliya, tasavvufla ilgili metinler, siyasetnameler, t?p vb. alanlar?nda birçok eser tercüme edilmi?tir. bu dönem, kültür tarihinde dönüm noktas? olmu?tur. Her ne kadar yoluyla eserler verilse de, tercümelerde yabanc? unsurlar?n fazla kar??mad??? dönem Türkçenin dönemlerine bak?ld???nda, söz varl??? içinde yer alan isim, s?fat, edat gibi kelimelerde unsurlu kelimeler bulunmaktad?r. Buna kar?? dönemlerde fiiller hep millî görü? sergilemi?tir, hatta kökenli Türkçe eklerle fiille?tirilerek kullan?lm??t?r. Türkçede binlerce kelimenin isim oldu?u hâlde fiil al?? veri?i olmad???n? söylenebilir. Ayr?ca geni? anlam imkânlar?yla, zaman eylem çe?itleriyle dile son derece zengin ifade imkân? vermektedir. çal??mada, XV. yüzy?l?n sonlar?na do?ru meydana getirilmi? Ebû ?shâk ?brâhîm b. el-Mansûr Halefi'l-Müzekkir en-Nisâbûrî'nin K?sasü'l-Enbiyâ adl? eserdeki birle?ik üzerinde durulacakt?r. Özellikle kelimelerle kurulan esas anlam? korumu? fiiller, karma??k tasvir fiilleri ele al?nacakt?r.

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On Brlek-Reutenauer conjecture

Brlek and Reutenauer conjectured that any infinite word u with language closed under reversal satisfies the equality 2D(u) = ∑ +∞ n=0 Tu(n) in which D(u) denotes the defect of u and Tu(n) denotes Cu(n + 1) − Cu(n) + 2 − Pu(n + 1) − Pu(n), where Cu and Pu are the factor and palindromic complexity of u, respectively. Brlek and Reutenauer verified their conjecture for periodic infinite words. Usin...

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Proof of Brlek-Reutenauer conjecture

Brlek and Reutenauer conjectured that any in nite word u with language closed under reversal satis es the equality 2D(u) = ∑+∞ n=0 Tu(n) in which D(u) denotes the defect of u and Tu(n) denotes Cu(n + 1) − Cu(n) + 2 − Pu(n + 1) − Pu(n), where Cu and Pu are the factor and palindromic complexity of u, respectively. This conjecture was veri ed for periodic words by Brlek and Reutenauer themselves. ...

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Corrigendum: "On Brlek-Reutenauer conjecture"

Bašić (2012) in [1] pointed to a gap in the proof of Corollary 5.10 in Balková et al. (2011) [2] related to the Brlek–Reutenauer conjecture. In this corrigendum, we correct the proof and show that the corollary remains valid. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Corrigendum Brlek and Reutenauer conjectured that any infinite word u with language closed under reversal satisfies the equali...

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Proof of the Brlek-Reutenauer conjecture

Brlek and Reutenauer conjectured that any infinite word u with language closed under reversal satisfies the equality 2D(u) = +∞ n=0 Tu(n) in which D(u) denotes the defect of u and Tu(n) denotes Cu(n + 1) − Cu(n) + 2 − Pu(n + 1) − Pu(n), where Cu and Pu are the factor and palindromic complexity of u, respectively. This conjecture was verified for periodic words by Brlek and Reutenauer themselves...

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A note on the paper "On Brlek-Reutenauer conjecture"

In this short note we point to an error in the proof of a theorem stated in [L. Balková & E. Pelantová & Š. Starosta, On BrlekReutenauer conjecture, Theoret. Comput. Sci. 412 (2011), 5649– 5655]. By constructing a counterexample, we show that the assertion of the theorem is actually incorrect. Although this theorem is of a technical character, it was used in an argument leading to a corollary o...

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عنوان ژورنال: Türkiyat ara?t?rmalar? dergisi

سال: 2021

ISSN: ['1300-5766']