Health-Related QOL and Economic Burden of Chronic Pruritus



Chronic pruritus (CP) has considerable implications for QOL. However, its impact on health-related QOL and economic burden is not fully characterized. We administered a cross-sectional survey 132 patients with CP using the Health Utilities Index Mark 3 instrument. Normative data from healthy adults (n = 4,187) were obtained Joint Canada/US Survey of Health. Quality-adjusted life-year loss costs estimated basis scores versus controls. Patients had lower overall health performance than control (0.56 ± 0.03 vs. 0.86 0.003, P < 0.001). In multivariable regression, was associated worse (coefficient −0.30, 95% confidence interval −0.33 to −0.27), most accentuated in domains pain −0.24, −0.28 −0.21) emotion −0.11, −0.13 −0.10). The reduced score correlated 5.5 average lifetime quality-adjusted life-years lost per patient. 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Compared population, older (mean 48.9 years, 0.001) likely (70.5% 56.7%, 0.002) Black (40.2% 7.7%, 54.8% respondents hurts time, 53.2% stinging burning time.Table 1Baseline Demographic Characteristics Cohort General PopulationCharacteristicsPatients 132)Frequency (%)General Population 4,187)Frequency (%)P-valueGender Male39 (29.5)1,815 (43.3)0.002 Female93 (70.5)2,372 (56.7)0.002Age (y), SE57.3 1.548.9 0.3 18–2919 (14.4)535 (12.8)0.58 30–393 (2.3)856 (20.4)<0.001 40–4912 (9.1)920 (22.0)<0.001 50–5927 (20.5)738 (17.6)0.40 60–6936 (27.3)529 (12.6)<0.001 70–7922 (16.7)433 (10.3)0.02 >8013 (9.8)176 (4.2)0.002Ethnicity Non-Hispanic White68 (51.5)3,172 (75.8)<0.001 Black53 (40.2)323 (7.7)<0.001 Hispanic0 (0)422 (10.1)<0.001 Asian7 (5.3)113 (2.7)0.07 Other4 (3.0)157 (3.7)0.67Comorbidities Hypertension48 (36.4)1,075 (25.7)0.006 Arthritis20 (15.2)938 (22.4)0.05 Diabetes mellitus15 (11.4)316 (7.5)0.10 Depression10 (7.6)460 (11.0)0.22 Coronary artery disease6 (4.5)287 (6.9)0.30 Stroke4 (3.0)26 (0.6)0.001Abbreviation: pruritus; SE, error. Open table new tab Abbreviation: group 0.56 0.03, general population (0.86 0.00, (Figure consistently when across age, sex, ethnicity strata. nodularis scored slightly subgroups (0.51 0.06 0.55 AD 0.61 0.04 pruritus), although differences statistically significant. similar severity debilitating conditions, stroke bronchitis, (Kleiner-Fisman 2010Kleiner-Fisman Stern M.B. Fisman D.N. Parkinson disease: correlation III Unified Parkinson’s Rating (UPDRS) U.S. male veterans.Health Qual Outcomes. 8: 91Crossref (23) Luo 2009Luo N. J.W. Coons Relative efficiency EQ-5D, HUI2, index measuring united states.Med Care. 2009; 47: 53-60Crossref (46) Torrance 2002Torrance G.W. Raynauld J.P. Walker V. Goldsmith C.H. 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Other attributes found decreased increased (−0.001, CI −0.002 −0.0007, 0.001), Hispanic (−0.04, −0.06 −0.02, 0.001 both), hypertension (−0.02, −0.04 −0.01, 0.002), (−0.36, −0.43 −0.29, cardiovascular (−0.11, −0.09, depression (−0.22, −0.23 −0.20, arthritis (−0.14, −0.15 −0.12, models domains, single domain scores, (−0.24, −0.21, −0.10, 0001) 3) .Table 2Multivariable Linear Regression Model Association Overall Score Adjusted ComorbiditiesAttributeCoefficient95% CIP-valueCP−0.30−0.33 −0.27<0.001Female0.00−0.01 0.010.981Age−0.001−0.002 −0.0007<0.001Race WhiteRefRefRef Black−0.04−0.06 −0.02<0.001 Hispanic−0.04−0.06 Asian−0.01−0.05 −0.020.417 Other−0.03−0.6 −0.000.023Hypertension−0.02−0.04 −0.010.002Stroke−0.36−0.43 −0.29<0.001Coronary disease−0.11−0.13 −0.09<0.001Depression−0.22−0.23 −0.20<0.001Arthritis−0.14−0.15 −0.12<0.001Abbreviations: CI, interval; Ref, reference. Table 3Multivariable Models Individual Domain Scores CPOutcome VariableCoefficient95% CIP-valueVision−0.01−0.03 0.000.01Hearing−0.09−0.10 −0.08<0.001Speech−0.02−0.03 −0.02<0.001Ambulation−0.06−0.08 −0.05<0.001Dexterity−0.03−0.04 −0.02<0.001Emotion−0.11−0.13 −0.10<0.001Cognition−0.06−0.08 −0.04<0.001Pain−0.24−0.28 −0.21<0.001Abbreviations: 3. Abbreviations: On literature-derived 10–13% estimate represents severe 1% assessed approximately 0.1%. census data, 323,100 cohort. With rate at discount 3% expectancy, shown responsible QALYs 1,776,538 national 4). willingness-to-pay threshold $50,000 QALY derived literature, billion.Table 4Economic CalculationVariableValueCP prevalence1Using literature.0.001Affected population2Derived 2016 Census data.323,100Average lost3Using model discounted expectancy.5.5Population lost4Product affected population.1,776,538$ QALY5Using highly described literature.50,000Individual burden, $6Lifetime individual, product $ divided population.274,921Societal (billions), $7Lifetime QALY.88.81Abbreviations: QALY, life-year.1 literature.2 Derived data.3 expectancy.4 Product population.5 literature.6 Lifetime population.7 QALY. life-year. sensitivity analysis variables rate, loss, prevalence, (Supplementary S1). $110,164‒$826,228, threshold. ranged $4.5 $267.0 billion adjustment prevalence. This demonstrates severe, detrimental 0.56, corresponds criteria (Feng 2009Feng Y. 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عنوان ژورنال: Journal of Investigative Dermatology

سال: 2021

ISSN: ['1523-1747', '0022-202X']