Giza eta gizarte-zientziak eta Irakasleen Prestakuntzarako unibertsitate-masterra: paradigma epistemologikoa



Humanitate eta Gizarte Zientzien arloko Irakasleak Prestatzeko Masterra egiten ari diren ikasleek gizarteaz gizarteak irakaskuntzari buruz duen ikuspegiaz gogoeta egin behar luketela iritzita, eta, horrenbestez, halaber irakaskuntzaren gizarte-testuingurua zein den kontuan hartu hartuta, hiru galderari erantzuten saiatu genuke: 1) Zein da gizarte-ezagutzaren funtzioa gaur egun? 2) Zergatik zertarako irakasten ditugu gizarte-zientziak? 3) Zer eduki transmititu nahi ditugu? Lehenbiziko bi galderei erantzunez, gizarte-zientzien zer paradigma mota sustatu dugun pentsatu hausnartuko dugu, horrek eramango gaitu hirugarren erantzuteko proposamenak egitera. Nolanahi ere, azken galdera horri erantzun aurretik, beharra dago ezagutzaarloko irakasle izateko asmoa duten pertsonekin, gai izan daitezen kontzienteki zergatik erabaki eredu jakin bat sustatzea.

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منابع مشابه

Eta and Eta’ Physics

This talk describes the reasons why η and η decays are an interesting topic of study for both theory and experiment. The main part discusses the results of the recent calculation of η → 3π at two-loop order in ChPT. Some puzzling aspects of the results compared to earlier dispersive calculations are highlighted. I also like to remind the reader of the use of η and η decays for studying the anom...

متن کامل

Eta, Eta’ and eLSM

We discuss the η-η ′ mixing in the Extended Linear Sigma Model (eLSM).

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chi ( c 0 ) and chi ( c 2 ) decays into eta eta , eta eta ‘ , and eta ’ eta ’ final states

G. S. Adams, M. Anderson, J. P. Cummings, I. Danko, J. Napolitano, Q. He, J. Insler, H. Muramatsu, C. S. Park, E. H. Thorndike, F. Yang, T. E. Coan, Y. S. Gao, M. Artuso, S. Blusk, J. Butt, J. Li, N. Menaa, R. Mountain, S. Nisar, K. Randrianarivony, R. Sia, T. Skwarnicki, S. Stone, J. C. Wang, K. Zhang, S. E. Csorna, G. Bonvicini, D. Cinabro, M. Dubrovin, A. Lincoln, D. M. Asner, K. W. Edwards,...

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Outage Probability in {\eta}-{\mu}/{\eta}-{\mu} Interference-limited Scenarios

In this paper exact closed-form expressions are derived for the outage probability (OP) in scenarios where both the signal of interest (SOI) and the interfering signals experience η-μ fading and the background noise can be neglected. With the only assumption that the μ parameter is a positive integer number for the interfering signals, the derived expressions are given in elementary terms for m...

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L–eta–invariants and Their Approximation by Unitary Eta–invariants

Cochran, Orr and Teichner introduced L–eta–invariants to detect highly non–trivial examples of non slice knots. Using a recent theorem by Lück and Schick we show that their metabelian L–eta–invariants can be viewed as the limit of finite dimensional unitary representations. We recall a ribbon obstruction theorem proved by the author using finite dimensional unitary eta–invariants. We show that ...

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عنوان ژورنال: Tantak

سال: 2022

ISSN: ['0214-9753', '2444-3581']