Extracellular Vesicles and Renal Endothelial Cells



This review focuses on typical hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), a life-threatening sequela of human infections caused, particularly in children, by Shiga toxin–producing Escherichia coli strains. Thrombotic microangiopathy the brain and kidney is end point toxin action, resulting hallmarks HUS (ie, thrombocytopenia, anemia, acute renal failure). A growing body evidence points to role extracellular vesicles released blood patients toxin-challenged circulating cells (monocytes, neutrophils, erythrocytes) platelets, as key factor pathogenesis HUS. provides i) an updated description E. infections; ii) analysis cell–derived vesicles, their parent cells, triggering factors HUS; iii) model explaining why toxin–containing dock preferentially endothelia target organs. The study given disease outlines describes chain events involved development pathologic condition. 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عنوان ژورنال: American Journal of Pathology

سال: 2021

ISSN: ['1525-2191', '0002-9440']

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajpath.2021.02.011