Corps contemporain et espace vécu



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Recommender systems were developed to cherry-pick interesting content in an always growing environment to help users discover new products or information that they might like. Traditional collaborative filtering methods mainly focus on the ratings to establish user profiles, ignoring the joint review text. Our work does the opposite. We use the written comments as the primary source of informat...

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a Pergamene, friend of Galen's father, who had come to Rome ten years before Galen (p. 157), and later impugns Galen's motives on the basis of the supposed family connexion (p. 160). No evidence is cited, and there is none. The background here is that J. Ilberg, Neue Jahrb. 1905, 15: 286-287, conjectured that Eudemus must have been part of a kind ofPergamene Mafia whose members boosted one anot...

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عنوان ژورنال: Sens public

سال: 2017

ISSN: 2104-3272

DOI: 10.7202/1048857ar