Askesis and Critique: Foucault and Benjamin



While Foucault referred to Benjamin just once in his entire corpus, scholars have long noticed affinities between the two thinkers, mainly their conceptions of history: emphasis on discontinuity, historiographical practices, and role archives work. This essay focuses, rather, practice critique and, more specifically, conception relation this exercise or askesis. I examine askesis as a self-transformative Foucault’s late work how concept reverberates throughout idea an ethos demanding arduous Against background, (Übung) Benjamin’s Origin German Traeurspiel, interest ascetic kinds schooling, its ties are discerned. comparison reveals significant similarities philosophy, well different emphases inheritance Kantian critical project: attitude attentive possibilities for transformation present vs. involving attitude-transforming exercise; modern that needs be reactivated propaedeutic, preparation tradition.

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عنوان ژورنال: Foucault Studies

سال: 2022

ISSN: ['1832-5203']