A büntetőjog alkotmányos alapjai és gyakorlata, valamint a kisebbségi magyarság az 1918–1938 közötti Romániában



Pursuant to the First World War, Romania’s territory increased, and thus it inherited a complex social, economic, legal environment different from that of predecessor states. The Romanian state’s response these challenges is be found in political goal building homogeneous nation-state. This agenda has had an impact on all areas law, not only legislation but also application law. use essentially ethnically neutral instruments criminal law for state policy purposes can seen as element exclusionary nationality policy. actions have failed resolve existing internal tensions made relations between majority minorities, well possibility consolidation impossible past century.

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عنوان ژورنال: Erdélyi Jogélet

سال: 2022

ISSN: ['2734-7095', '2734-6226']

DOI: https://doi.org/10.47745/erjog.2021.03.04