نام پژوهشگر: شاهپور علیزاده

اثر امواج الکترو مغناطیس غیر یونیزه روی سر انسان در باندهای فرکانسی مختلف
پایان نامه دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد کرمانشاه - دانشکده فنی 1393
  زهرا بهرامی   شاهپور علیزاده

. [1] [2] [3] sar [4] [3],[6].[7] - - sar mhz mhz - tomovski mefisto h-h chou tomovski fdtd yee fem pml pml [9] °c mhz sar sar - b sar sar bts icnirp sar - emc emc emc . [1] ieee2 itu1 wlans3 1 international telecommunication union 2 institute of electrical and electronics engineers 3 wireless local area networks wpans4 wmans5 wwans uwb uwb uwb uwb 4 wireless personal area networks 5 wireless metropolitan area network uwb wpan fcc7 uwb usb6 uwb lan man wi-fi uwb g b a wi-fi metro wimax8 x imt- wan 3g9 6-universal serial bus 7-federal communication commission 8-worldwide interoperability for microwave access 9 third generation 10 itu cdma12-2000 umts 200011 cdma tdma14 gsm13 3g it c 11 international mobile telecommunication 12 code division multiple access 13 global system for mobile 14 time division multiple access [1] x - - rf rf non-ionizing radiation [hz] (nm) (ultraviolet) (nm) (visible) (nm) (infrared) (mm) (microwave) (m) (radio frequency) (km) (low frequency) (km) (very low frequency) (km) (extremely low frequency) (ultra sound) . sar rf rf rf rf rf rf rf [2] cm ghz rf cm ghz °c rf °c °c rf ghz samaras mw/cm2 °c w/kg ghz w/kg ghz dna . sar maximum permeable exposure b e j m p h d : [3] printed-circuit q (cavity) d e 0 r 0 r r r tan e j p 0 d e 0 p tan r r 0 tan h b h b µ phantom 1/e =a+jb kc k 2=0 µ 0 sar em sar dw sar dw dm [4] sar sar ch ghz cm khz sar sar e e david smith . sar sar sar invitro invivo sar sar sar sar em stephen b. baumann cm2 s/m hz [5] s/m cm3 mm °c [6,7] sami gabriel camelia gabriel °c °c hz ghz p.r.mazal g.neubauer g.schmid [8] mhz mhz s/m s/m s/m hp8722c luxtron 790 mhz s/m mhz hp85070b s/m mhz s/m s/m mhz s/m mohd. zarar bin mohd jenu nurulhuda binti ismail fdtd cst microwave studio mhz g mhz sar g mh g g mhz g mhz sar mhz g sar . sar sar hfss cm sar h. oraizi a. lak cm mhz sar cm cm cm cm sar sar m.s.bhatia l.k. ragha cst fdtd sar g reduction factor (srf) sar1g,s sar1g cm pec cm cm cm mhz cm /4 pec nife2o4 mo ni1/2zn1/2fe2o4 mofe2o3 zinc fe3o4 cm sar sar µ r=2.8-j3.3 sar r=7-j0.6 w srf mm sar mm mm mefisto 2d boyan tomovski fdtd ghz m k mefisto k tomovski mefisto sar mhz mhz sar tomovski sar sar sar m. t. islam sar pifa mhz w mm mm mm fdtd mm gsm mm mhz sar sar mhz n.misran mhz mhz m.r.i.faruque gm pifa m.t.islam sar sar sar mhz sar sar fdtd cst mws helix mm mm mri mw mm mm mm mm sar sar mm mm sar sar k-h liu cst lcd h-t chou h-t hsu fdtd h-h chou r-cards yuan ze monopole f-y kuo h-h chou lcd a c lcd b r-card t sar reduction factor sar mm mm (srf) 3-3 g z( ) sar sar r(z) 1g(10g) sar1g(10g) g mw sar c sar s11 x-z y-z c db sam phantom v180 b motorola agilent n5230a b sar srf (%) sar sar sar sar mhz cei/iec 62209 , part1 ghz sar sar mhz ghz w/kg sar w/kg db sar w/kg w/kg sar sam b a a b sar ieee c95.1:1999 khz ieee ghz international icnirp w/kg rf council on non-ionizing radiation protection (icnirp) bts icnirp mhz mhz [w/m2] [w/m2] . mems comsol multiphysics rf ac/dc cfd farhad saeidi femlab svante littmarck . comsol multiphysics comsol finite element finite finite difference method method difference time domain (finite element method) . silvester fem rooftop (abaqus) (comsol) (maxwell) (fluent) (ansys) . finite difference method . . (finite difference time domain) yee fem fem fem mom 2 e 1 ez 0 z c 2 t 2 i, j, k (i x, j y, k z ) f n (i, j, k ) f (i x, j y, k z , n t ) c d 2 ez k 1 ez (l, m, n) 2k ez (l, m, n) k 1 ez (l, m, n) dt 2 ( t )2 fdtd yee fdtd yee (c t )2 l 2 0 c t l (c t )2 ( 1 x2 1 ) 1 y 2 0 c t l 2 (c t )2 ( 1 x2 1 1 ) 1 y 2 x2 0 c t l 3 x= y= z= l courant cst meep fdtd solution hfss fdtd method of moment n n2 n3 comsol pentium . comsol mb comsol iii z y x µ = 0 j e 0 = 0 d = 0e h = d .d 0 .e 0 0 e 2 e e e t 2 ( e) = - e h = e t 0 h - e 2e = ( 0 0 e e) = ( ( .e) - 2 e e) = - e k0 = 1 c 3 108 m / s 0 0 × ( × e) - k 2 r e = 0 r r µ r v/m e m-1 k0 2e - 2e = 0 = j ( j ) j 1 j °c °c °c (pennes) 15-perfused tissue (pennes) k (j/kg.k) qext c (w/m3) (kg/m3) qmet (°c) i t (w/m.k) (w/m3) (s/m) n.(ku dtu kd dtd ) = 0 tissue matched scattering rf (fem) (fdtd) (pml) perfectly matched layers pml pml e1=e2 pml pml h1=h2 b1=b2 d1=d2 pec n e = 0 n (e1 - e 2 ) = 0 n (h1 - h 2 ) = 0 n ( e) - jkn e n = -n e 0 jk n k exp jk .r . cm zin= cm cm cm lumped port v zin = i i v zin fr4 l= cm w= cm h= cm w l h/w zin= r h l 1 2 f 0 r 0 w 1 2 f 0 r 2 0 r 1 0 h/m hz f µ 0 f/m comsol . . mhz . mhz mhz ieee 1529 mhz ieee 1528 cm sar gabrial mhz [6] mhz gabreil (kg/m3) 900mhz 1800mhz r µ r (s/m) r µ r (s/m) 1 k [w/m°c] cp [j/kg°c] qmet [w/m3] b [1/s] 7100 8/83e-03 610 4/36e-04 0/25 3000 300 4/48e-04 1620 w= cm h= cm cm zin= r fr4 l= cm cm [9] . mhz mhz °c mhz 1800mhz rf rf mhz °c mhz mhz °c mhz mhz mhz sar mhz mhz sar sar sar mhz w/kg mhz mhz w/kg sar mhz - - mhz sar sar - mhz t= cm w= cm l= cm mm r µ r [s/m] [kg/m3] mhz mhz °c °c °c °c °c °c °c mhz sar °c mhz sar w/kg sar [ ] - w/kg sar imt-200017 cdma18-2000 umts 2w/kg sar sar [w/kg] sar sar sar w/kg . r-card sar sar rf w/kg icnirp w/kg dna rf 16 itu 17 international mobile telecommunication 18 code division multiple access imt-2000 w/kg sar cdma-2000 umts 2w/kg w/kg sar . r-card sar rf w/kg dna icnirp w/kg rf 1-effects of electromagnetic fields (emf)on human body 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electromagnetic radiation on human health, extensive studies are needed. in this thesis, the effects of electromagnetic radiation on the human head are placed. using advanced computer programming complex arithmetic, using a model of the human body in this study to define the model simulation of electromagnetic waves using multi-physics software comsul, in addition to the human by applying the correct, creating the right environment and define the output parameters and the relationships between them are paid. then the effect of reducing the frequency and impact of waves is studied and create a screen saver and the material that they are paid to the analysis. islamic azad university kermanshah branch faculty of post-grauate studies thesis for masters degree trend power contacts (m.sc) titlr: frequency bands non- ioniz em radiotion effect on the human head at different supervisor : shahpour alirezaee advisor: syed vaha al-dena makki by: zahra bahrami september 2014 assess the risks posed by electromagnetic radiation on human health, extensive studies are needed. in this thesis, the effects of electromagnetic radiation on the human head are placed. using advanced computer programming complex arithmetic, using a model of the human body in this study to define the model simulation of electromagnetic waves using multi-physics software comsul, in addition to the human by applying the correct, creating the right environment and define the output parameters and the relationships between them are paid. then the effect of reducing the frequency and impact of waves is studied and create a screen saver and the material that they are paid to the analysis.