نام پژوهشگر: معظم احمدابادی
معظم احمدابادی فیاض زاهد
peace and national security protection and ironic solving of international conflicts become the preliminary foundation of the united nations charter and had been considered as the main responsibilities of the security council, after world war ii and the establishment of united nations organization. therefore, the security council enables to analyze every kind of conflicts and challenges which causes tensions. consequently, it has the right of choosing serious and violence measures against them. security council issued manifests indispensability, and its reaction to middle east important wars and crises have been posed many fundamental questions about the super powers role and the amount of the security council capabilities in executing its main responsibility, namely preserving international peace and security. in this research, based on descriptive and analytical methods, after description of the security council’s duties and authorizations, first of all the history of the main middle east crises in 20th century (after united nations establishment) have been mentioned, and then the security council functional process against them will be studied. as we know, during cold war, the super powers have restricted the security council performance to achieve their benefits by using the right of veto. but, end of the cold war has created an opportunity for security council to be tested in the field of peace and security. thus, in the first decade after cold war, it finds and acquires a wide and critical role in solving international conflicts. but this enormous credit and authority of the security council, due to the lack of necessary tools (such as human, financial and juristically) in one side and the need of consistency with new conditions (monopole system) in the other side, diffract the most considerations to the modifications and changes of the security council structure.