نام پژوهشگر: نرگس تولایی
سلیمان اسدی میانایی اکبر هاشمش برزآباذی
in this thesis, using concepts of wavelets theory some methods of the solving optimal control problems (ocps). governed by time-delay systems is investigated. this thesis contains two parts. first, the method of obtaining of the ocps in time delay systems by linear legendre multiwavelets is presented. the main advantage of the method is in finding the approximate optimal control of linear time-delayed systems using algebraic equations instead of solving an ordinary differential equation (quasi-riccati), which contains time-advanced or delayed arguments. in the second part an implementable direct method based on the concepts of haar wavelets and discretization for finding near optimal approximate solution for a wide range of ocps an time-delay systems where the delay is considered in the state or control functions. applaying the given method the main problem is converted to a nonlinear programming. by giving some examples, the obtained results are compared with the results of the other methods.
لیلی نصیرزاده عباس فخاری
هرگاه کلاس هموکلیینیک c^1-پایدار انبساط باشد، در این صورت دارای یک تجزیه تسلطی است.علاوه بر این اگر کلاس هموکلینیک فوق انبساطی پایه ای باشد هذلولوی خواهد بود.