نام پژوهشگر: آرام رضا صادقی
maryam sabziani آرام رضا صادقی
one very decisive factor in students’ academic destiny is the result they get at final term examinations. because of its importance, both students and teachers are curiously anxious about them. as normally it is the case, these final term tests are prepared hurriedly in short time by teachers which result in students’ dissatisfaction, complaining on how the test was different from their expectation. with recent interest in moving from teacher-directed instruction to approaches that incorporate greater opportunities for student-centered learning, there are concerns that traditional classroom practices associated with assessment and grading may be inappropriate for learning environments grounded in a constructivist perspective. the present study was conducted to see the effects of student-cooperated test on learners’ performance. it also aimed to investigate the subjects’ attitudes toward employing this method in english classrooms. to do so, two different assessment methods were compared. a quasi-experimental research was conducted with two courses at ba and ma levels with the total number of 50 english major students at semnan university. in each course, the students served as the control group in the first phase of the research. for the mid-term exam, the tests were prepared by the teacher. upon the mid-term exam, the students served as the experimental group and were told that their final exam would include items generated by the students themselves during the term. in this second phase of the research, every individual student was asked to prepare a ten-item test on points learned at each session, whether from teacher’s lecture or chapter(s) of the book. after editing the test items by the instructor, they were published and made available for all of the subjects. at the end of the term, the students attitudes were inquired by a questionnaire. after the treatment, the students’ scores at mid-term and final exams were compared. the results showed a significant improvement of marks for the experimental group. the students’ responses to the questionnaire items clearly indicated their positive attitudes toward using student-generated test (sgt) for final evaluation.