نتایج جستجو برای: F02

تعداد نتایج: 104  

Ilya Fushman Dirk Englund Jelena Vuckovic

-HF? RA,F:47 A7#F7"? 0%A A7:72, "0A5 02 ,H7 87#740.372, 0M 2R20.H0,02F: 87#F:7? M0A C%R2,%3 F2M0A3R,F02 .A0G :7??F2ID '7 HR#7 87#740.78 R ,73.7AR,%A7 ,%2F2I ,7:HG 2FC%79 ,HR, R440"? %? ,0 F287.72872,4Q ,%27 .H0,02F: :AQ?,R4 :R#F,F7? R28 C%R2,%3 80,? 02 ,H7 ?R37 :HF.D -H7 HFIH C%R4F,Q MR:,0A ,0 3087 #04%37 AR,F0 0M ?%:H :R#F,F7? 47R8? ,0 R ?,A02I F2,7AR:,F02 O7,"772 ,H7 :R#F,Q R28 ,H7 C%R2,%3 80...

Journal: :Applied sciences 2021

Giomers are hybrid dental materials with controlled fluoride release properties. The aim of this study was to characterise a new experimental flowable giomer (G) in comparison three commercial giomers: Beautifil flow Plus X F00 (B-F00), F02 (B-F02) and F03 (B-F03), Shofu, Kyoto, Japan. studied properties ion release, residual monomers mechanical data analysis performed using the ANOVA test Tuke...


Fidicina mannifera Fab. (mass 3 g) can fly at a body temperature of 22 °C, but take-off is usually preceded by an endothermic warm-up that elevates Tth to 28 °C or higher. Warm-up is accompanied by slow, almost imperceptible, wing movements, gentle abdominal pumping and an increase in V02 to about 16 times the resting level. During wing-flapping in fixed flight, V02 increases explosively to abo...

Journal: :Ife Journal of Science 2023

Seismic and well information have been incorporated with a genetic inversion workflow using supervised neural network in the F3 block, offshore Netherlands view to properly predicting porosity distribution within selected reservoirs. This would provide spatial of field. Petrophysical parameters were estimated for identified reservoirs (FS4, FS8, XYZ ABC) across four wells (F02-01, F03-02, F03-0...

Donatella Gatti Robert Boyer David Soskice

This paper proposes a generalized WS/PS model studying the impact of public spending on employment, in the presence of imperfect competition in labour and product markets. Public spending is shown to a¤ect …rms pro…t margins and …rms labour demand schedules. The model highlights a new channel by which …scal policy can improve employment. By reducing …rms’mark-up, public spending helps counterin...

Carsten Kowalczyk

Much trade liberalization involves large and small countries. This paper presents a formal comparison of the economic welfare effects for the small and large country from unilateral free trade by the small country, from a free trade agreement, and from preferential access to the large country’s market. I show that it matters for the welfare effects of these strategies whether the small country ...


This article surveys the recent Marxist globalization debate and its roots in Marx’s post-1848 writings and the Lenin-Kautsky unity-rivalry debate on the eve of World War I. The post-1916 Marxist view of capitalist imperialism is contrasted with the Hardt-Negri “Leninist” view of global capitalism they call “empire.” To refute their thesis, the author analyzes the Lenin-Kautsky debate, proving ...

Larry Karp

Recent papers show that imperfect property rights to a natural resource–a sector-specific factor– can be a source of comparative advantage. In these models, weaker property rights attract labor–the only mobile factor– to the resource sector, increasing the country’s comparative advantage for that sector. If capital in addition to labor is mobile, and if the benefits of capital are non-excludabl...

Bahri Yilmaz Selim Jürgen Ergun Jean Monnet

The enlargement of the European Union will bring many political, economical and structural changes on the Continent, which require careful and deep analysis to be made. This paper will grasp the enlargement of the European Union from the aspect of the trade pattern and trade specialization of six major European Union candidates; namely, Turkey, Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, Poland and the Czech R...


The paper examines the rise fall and rise of the Liberal International Economic Order over the last 150 years, and critically examines the various hopes and fears in developed and developing countries that this most recent global integration is raising. JEL classification: F02, A13, N70, P16. Address: Dept. of Economics, UCLA, 405 Hilgard Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90024 Tel.: 310-825 4521 Fax.: 310...

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