نتایج جستجو برای: Elsinoë

تعداد نتایج: 31  

X.L. Fan R.W. Barreto J.Z. Groenewald J.D.P. Bezerra O.L. Pereira R. Cheewangkoon L. Mostert C.M. Tian P.W. Crous

Species of Elsinoë are phytopathogens causing scab and spot anthracnose on many plants, including some economically important crops such as avocado, citrus, grapevines, and ornamentals such as poinsettias, field crops and woody hosts. Disease symptoms are often easily recognisable, and referred to as signature-bearing diseases, for the cork-like appearance of older infected tissues with scab-li...

Amy Y. Rossman W. Cavan Allen Lisa A. Castlebury

In advancing to one scientific name for each fungus species, a number of name changes are required especially for plant-associated fungi. These include species names that are not in the correct genus. For example, the generic name Elsinoë is used for fungi causing scab diseases but a number of these species were described in the asexually typified genus Sphaceloma and must be placed in Elsinoë....

Li-Yuan Wang Huey-Jiunn Bau Hui-Ling Liao Kuang-Ren Chung

Elsinochrome (ESC), light-activated, nonhost-selective phytotoxin, is produced by many members of the genus Elsinoë and required for full virulence of the fungus. It appears that approaches disrupting the ESC production will likely reduce disease severity caused by Elsinoë pathogens. In this study, the influence of nutritional and environmental factors on ESC biosynthesis by the citrus scab pat...

Journal: :The plant pathology journal 2015
Dilli Prasad Paudyal Jae-Wook Hyun

Citrus scab disease is one of the destructive diseases that reduce the value of fruit for the fresh market. We analyzed the process of symptom development after infection with scab pathogen Elsinoë fawcettii in the susceptible satsuma mandarin leaves to observe the structural modification against pathogen. The cuticle and epidermal cells along with 3-5 layers of mesophyll tissue were degraded 1...

R. Cheewangkoon J.Z. Groenewald B.A. Summerell K.D. Hyde C. To-anun P.W. Crous

Twenty-six species of microfungi are treated, the majority of which are associated with leaf spots of Corymbia, Eucalyptus and Syzygium spp. (Myrtaceae). The treated species include three new genera, Bagadiella, Foliocryphia and Pseudoramichloridium, 20 new species and one new combination. Novelties on Eucalyptus include: Antennariella placitae, Bagadiellalunata, Cladoriella rubrigena, C. paleo...

P.W. Crous M.J. Wingfield T.I. Burgess G.E.St.J. Hardy C. Crane S. Barrett J.F. Cano-Lira J.J. Le Roux R. Thangavel J. Guarro A.M. Stchigel M.P. Martín D.S. Alfredo P.A. Barber R.W. Barreto I.G. Baseia J. Cano-Canals R. Cheewangkoon R.J. Ferreira J. Gené C. Lechat G. Moreno F. Roets R.G. Shivas J.O. Sousa Y.P. Tan N.P. Wiederhold S.E. Abell T. Accioly J.L. Albizu J.L. Alves Z.I. Antoniolli N. Aplin J. Araújo M. Arzanlou J.D.P. Bezerra J.-P. Bouchara J.R. Carlavilla A. Castillo V.L. Castroagudín P.C. Ceresini G.F. Claridge G. Coelho V.R.M. Coimbra L.A. Costa K.C. da Cunha S.S. da Silva R. Daniel Z.W. de Beer M. Dueñas J. Edwards P. Enwistle P.O. Fiuza J. Fournier D. García T.B. Gibertoni S. Giraud M. Guevara-Suarez L.F.P. Gusmão S. Haituk M. Heykoop Y. Hirooka T.A. Hofmann J. Houbraken D.P. Hughes I. Kautmanová O. Koppel O. Koukol E. Larsson K.P.D. Latha D.H. Lee D.O. Lisboa W.S. Lisboa Á. López-Villalba J.L.N. Maciel P. Manimohan J.L. Manjón S. Marincowitz T.S. Marney M. Meijer A.N. Miller I. Olariaga L.M. Paiva M. Piepenbring J.C. Poveda-Molero K.N.A. Raj H.A. Raja A. Rougeron I. Salcedo R. Samadi T.A.B. Santos K. Scarlett K.A. Seifert L.A. Shuttleworth G.A. Silva M. Silva J.P.Z. Siqueira C.M. Souza-Motta S.L. Stephenson D.A. Sutton N. Tamakeaw M.T. Telleria N. Valenzuela-Lopez A. Viljoen C.M. Visagie A. Vizzini F. Wartchow B.D. Wingfield E. Yurchenko J.C. Zamora J.Z. Groenewald Koppel Olga Cobus M. Visagie Keith A. Seifert Hirooka Yuuri Luís F.P. Gusmão Silvana S. da Silva Patrícia O. Fiuza Loise A. Costa Tiago A.B. Santos Gabriel Moreno Ángela López-Villalba Aurelio Castillo Steven L. Stephenson Thiago Accioly Julieth O. Sousa Iuri G. Baseia María P. Martín Donis S. Alfredo Renato J. Ferreira Iuri G. Baseia Lucas Shuttleworth Rosalie Daniel Kelly Scarlett Peter Entwistle Ibai Olariaga Isabel Salcedo José Luis Albizu Ivona Kautmanová Willyane S. Lisboa Meiriele Silva Robert W. Barreto Daniela O. Lisboa Janaina L. Alves K.N. Anil Raj K.P. Deepna Latha Patinjareveettil Manimohan Juan Ramón Carlavilla Michel Heykoop José Luis Manjón Alfredo Vizzini DongHyeon Lee Brenda D. Wingfield Michael J. Wingfield Seonju Marincowitz Z. Wilhelm de Beer Gilberto Coelho Zaida Inês Antoniolli Eugene Yurchenko Jos Houbraken Martin Meijer Mahdi Arzanlou Rosita Samadi Nicomedes Valenzuela-Lopez Alberto M. Stchigel Josep Guarro José F. Cano-Lira Julia Cano-Canals Gordon F. Claridge Roger G. Shivas Yu Pei Tan João Araújo David P. Hughes Marcela Guevara-Suarez Josepa Gené Keith C. da Cunha Nathan P. Wiederhold Deanna A. Sutton Nathan Wiederhold Amandine Rougeron Sandrine Giraud Jean-Philippe Bouchara Ondřej Koukol Meike Piepenbring Tina Antje Hofmann Roger G. Shivas Thomas S. Marney Yu Pei Tan Sandra E. Abell Jadson D.P. Bezerra Laura M. Paiva Gladstone A. Silva Cristina M. Souza-Motta Pedro W. Crous Margarita Dueñas M. Teresa Telleria María P. Martín Victor R.M. Coimbra Tatiana B. Gibertoni Ellen Larsson Felipe Wartchow Juan Carlos Zamora Juan Carlos Poveda-Molero Andrew N. Miller Jacques Fournier Huzefa A. Raja Christian Lechat Christian Lechat Nick Aplin João Paulo Zen Siqueira Dania García Pedro W. Crous Johannes Z. Groenewald Raja Thangavel Michael J. Wingfield Treena I. Burgess Giles E.St.J. Hardy Johannes J. Le Roux Francois Roets Colin Crane Sarah Barrett Raja Thangavel Ratchadawan Cheewangkoon Jacqueline Edwards Paul A. Barber Ratchadawan Cheewangkoon Sukanya Haituk Nisachon Tamakeaw Altus Viljoen Vanina L. Castroagudín Paulo C. Ceresini João L.N. Maciel

Novel species of fungi described in this study include those from various countries as follows: Australia: Apiognomonia lasiopetali on Lasiopetalum sp., Blastacervulus eucalyptorum on Eucalyptus adesmophloia, Bullanockia australis (incl. Bullanockia gen. nov.) on Kingia australis, Caliciopsis eucalypti on Eucalyptus marginata, Celerioriella petrophiles on Petrophile teretifolia, Coleophoma xant...

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