نتایج جستجو برای: vertex arboricity

تعداد نتایج: 39773  

Journal: :CoRR 2018
Leonid Barenboim Victor Khazanov

The Congested Clique is a distributed-computing model for single-hop networks with restricted bandwidth that has been very intensively studied recently. It models a network by an n-vertex graph in which any pair of vertices can communicate one with another by transmitting O(log n) bits in each round. Various problems have been studied in this setting, but for some of them the best-known results...

Journal: :Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science 2013
Martiniano Eguía Francisco J. Soulignac

A biclique is a set of vertices that induce a bipartite complete graph. A graph G is biclique-Helly when its family of maximal bicliques satisfies the Helly property. If every induced subgraph of G is also biclique-Helly, then G is hereditary biclique-Helly. A graph is C4-dominated when every cycle of length 4 contains a vertex that is dominated by the vertex of the cycle that is not adjacent t...

Edvin Berglin Gerth Stølting Brodal

Graph orientations with low out-degree are one of several ways to efficiently store sparse graphs. If the graphs allow for insertion and deletion of edges, one may have to flip the orientation of some edges to prevent blowing up the maximum out-degree. We use arboricity as our sparsity measure. With an immensely simple greedy algorithm, we get parametrized trade-off bounds between outdegree and...

Journal: :Graphs and Combinatorics 2001
Noga Alon Vanessa Teague Nicholas C. Wormald

We find upper bounds on the linear k-arboricity of d-regular graphs using a probabilistic argument. For small k these bounds are new. For large k they blend into the known upper bounds on the linear arboricity of regular graphs.


Let L be a disjoint union of nontrivial paths. Such a graph we call a linear forest. We study the relation between the 2-local Ramsey number R2-loc(L) and the Ramsey number R(L), where L is a linear forest. L will be called an (n, j)-linear forest if L has n vertices and j maximal paths having an odd number of vertices. If L is an (n, j)-linear forest, then R2-loc(L) = (3n − j)/2 + dj/2e −

Journal: :Discrete Mathematics 2009
Ralph J. Faudree Ronald J. Gould Michael S. Jacobson

Given integers k, s, t with 0 ≤ s ≤ t and k ≥ 0, a (k, t, s)-linear forest F is a graph that is the vertex disjoint union of t paths with a total of k edges and with s of the paths being single vertices. If the number of single vertex paths is not critical, the forest F will simply be called a (k, t)-linear forest. A graph G of order n ≥ k + t is (k, t)-hamiltonian if for any (k, t)-linear fore...


Let G1 and G2 be two given graphs. The Ramsey number R(G1, G2) is the least integer r such that for every graph G on r vertices, either G contains a G1 or G contains a G2. Parsons gave a recursive formula to determine the values of R(Pn,K1,m), where Pn is a path on n vertices and K1,m is a star on m+1 vertices. In this note, we study the Ramsey numbers R(Pn,K1 ∨Fm), where Fm is a linear forest ...

Journal: :Theor. Comput. Sci. 2012
Hajo Broersma Petr A. Golovach Daniël Paulusma Jian Song

A graph is H-free if it does not contain an induced subgraph isomorphic to the graph H. The graph Pk denotes a path on k vertices. The `-Coloring problem is the problem to decide whether a graph can be colored with at most ` colors such that adjacent vertices receive different colors. We show that 4-Coloring is NP-complete for P8free graphs. This improves a result of Le, Randerath, and Schierme...

Journal: :Electr. J. Comb. 2015
Guillermo Pineda-Villavicencio David R. Wood

The degree-diameter problem asks for the maximum number of vertices in a graph with maximum degree ∆ and diameter k. For fixed k, the answer is Θ(∆k). We consider the degree-diameter problem for particular classes of sparse graphs, and establish the following results. For graphs of bounded average degree the answer is Θ(∆k−1), and for graphs of bounded arboricity the answer is Θ(∆bk/2c), in bot...

Journal: :Eur. J. Comb. 2018
Maria Axenovich Daniel Gonçalves Jonathan Rollin Torsten Ueckerdt

The induced arboricity of a graph G is the smallest number of induced forests covering the edges of G. This is a well-defined parameter bounded from above by the number of edges of G when each forest in a cover consists of exactly one edge. Not all edges of a graph necessarily belong to induced forests with larger components. For k > 1, we call an edge k-valid if it is contained in an induced t...

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