This is a beautiful book: With matt pink cover and massive 347 pages, it gets the reading appetite going. The book consists of 12 chapters written by illustrious experts on neoliberalism that t...
Dieter Plehwe, Quinn Slobodian and Philip Mirowski, Nine Lives of Neoliberalism. London: Verso, pp. 368. 2020 Jessica Whyte, The Morals the Market: Human Rights Rise 288. 2019. James Carrier (ed.) After Crisis: Anthropological Thought, Neoliberalism Aftermath. Routledge, 212. 2016.
In southeastern Mexico, community forestry activities designed to join conservation and development experienced a significant institutional shift in 1992 when the federal government revised national policies and programs to conform to neoliberal economic and political designs. Mexico’s embrace of neoliberalism produced revisions to the federal constitution that ended agrarian reform and created...
Kelly MooreDaniel Lee KleinmanDavid HessScott Frickel
The political ideology of neoliberalism is widely recognized as having influenced the organization of national and global economies and public policies since the 1970s. In this article, we examine the relationship between the neoliberal variant of globalization and science. To do so, we develop a framework for sociology of science that emphasizes closer ties among political sociology, the socio...