:iranian journal of science and technology (sciences)2013
m. r. farhangdoost
in this paper we construct the category of coverings of fundamental generalized lie group-groupoid associatedwith a connected generalized lie group. we show that this category is equivalent to the category of coverings of aconnected generalized lie group. in addition, we prove the category of coverings of generalized lie groupgroupoidand the category of actions of this generalized lie group-gro...
Over the past 25 years the rate of twin and higher - order multifetal birth have increased between 1980 and 2005. The twining rate rose from 18.9 to 32.1 per 1000 live birth. Multifetal gestations are at high risk of fetaland complication such as; growth restricted fetal death, LBW and cerebral palasy. Maternal complication are that also increased such as: preeclampsia, diabetes, maternal death...
Many conventional techniques for revealing concealed information have focused on detecting whether a person is responding truthfully to specific questions, typically using some form of lie detector. However, lie detection has faced a number of criticisms and it is still unclear to what degree conventional lie detectors can be used to reveal concealed knowledge in applied real-world settings. He...
:journal of linear and topological algebra (jlta)0
s ebrahimi payame noor university
let x be a banach space of dimx > 2 and b(x) be the space of bounded linear operators on x. if l : b(x) → b(x) be a lie higher derivation on b(x), then there exists an additive higher derivation d and a linear map τ : b(x) → fi vanishing at commutators [a, b] for all a, b ∈ b(x) such that l = d + τ
We study the double cosets of a Lie group by a compact Lie subgroup. We show that a Weil formula holds for double coset Lie hypergroups and show that certain representations of the Lie group lift to representations of the double coset Lie hypergroup.
We characterize smooth (analytic) vectors of these lifted representations.
Even though electroencephalography has played a prominent role for lie detection via personally relevant information, the electrophysiological signature of active lying is still elusive. We addressed this signature with two experiments in which participants helped a virtual police officer to locate a knife. Crucially, before this response, they announced whether they would lie or tell the truth...
Locally extended affine Lie algebras were introduced by Morita and Yoshii in [J. Algebra 301(1) (2006), 59-81] as a natural generalization of extended affine Lie algebras. After that, various generalizations of these Lie algebras have been investigated by others. It is known that a locally extended affine Lie algebra can be recovered from its centerless core, i.e., the ideal generated by weight...
In this paper, by using of Frobenius theorem a relation between Lie subalgebras of the Lie algebra of a top space T and Lie subgroups of T(as a Lie group) is determined. As a result we can consider these spaces by their Lie algebras. We show that a top space with the finite number of identity elements is a C^{∞} principal fiber bundle, by this method we can characterize top spaces.
:bulletin of the iranian mathematical society2015
w. mingzhong
in this paper, we classify the indecomposable non-nilpotent solvable lie algebras with $n(r_n,m,r)$ nilradical,by using the derivation algebra and the automorphism group of $n(r_n,m,r)$.we also prove that these solvable lie algebras are complete and unique, up to isomorphism.