نتایج جستجو برای: jets

تعداد نتایج: 14822  

R. K. Scott

The large-scale motions of planetary atmospheres and oceans, constrained by strong stable stratification and rapid rotation, are characterized in part by quasi-two dimensional turbulent motion and in part by coherent structures, such as vortices, zonal jets, and low-frequency waves. These motions are intimately linked and understanding their complex and multiscale interactions presents a comple...

Outi Supponen Danail Obreschkow Marc Tinguely Philippe Kobel Nicolas Dorsaz Mohamed Farhat

Fast liquid jets, called micro-jets, are produced within cavitation bubbles experiencing an aspherical collapse. Here we review micro-jets of different origins, scales and appearances, and propose a unified framework to describe their dynamics by using an anisotropy parameter ζ > 0, representing a dimensionless measure of the liquid momentum at the collapse point (Kelvin impulse). This paramete...

Jon Bell

The observational evidence for jets and phenomena arising from rotation powered radio pulsars is reviewed, including many recent and exciting discoveries at X-ray wavelengths. The well studied jets of the Crab pulsar are summarised, including recent results from the HST. The evolutionary links between the known binary radio pulsars and jets sources in X-ray binaries are discussed.


The jets of GRS 1915+105 carry a considerable energy away from the central source into the ISM. The similarity of the jets of this source and jets in radio galaxies or radio-loud quasars suggests that we should detect large-scale, synchrotron emitting radio structures surrounding GRS 1915+105. However, these large structures have not been found. We show that by adapting a model for the radio lo...

John H. Lienhard

This paper reviews several aspects of liquid jet impingement cooling, focusing on research done in our lab at MIT. Free surface, circular liquid jet are considered. Theoretical and experimental results for the laminar stagnation zone are summarized. Turbulence effects are discussed, including correlations for the stagnation zone Nusselt number. Analytical results for downstream heat transfer in...

Journal: :Physical review letters 2005
V M Abazov B Abbott M Abolins B S Acharya M Adams T Adams M Agelou J-L Agram S H Ahn M Ahsan G D Alexeev G Alkhazov A Alton G Alverson G A Alves M Anastasoaie T Andeen S Anderson B Andrieu Y Arnoud A Askew B Asman O Atramentov C Autermann C Avila F Badaud A Baden B Baldin P W Balm S Banerjee E Barberis P Bargassa P Baringer C Barnes J Barreto J F Bartlett U Bassler D Bauer A Bean S Beauceron M Begel A Bellavance S B Beri G Bernardi R Bernhard I Bertram M Besançon R Beuselinck V A Bezzubov P C Bhat V Bhatnagar M Binder C Biscarat K M Black I Blackler G Blazey F Blekman S Blessing D Bloch U Blumenschein A Boehnlein O Boeriu T A Bolton F Borcherding G Borissov K Bos T Bose A Brandt R Brock G Brooijmans A Bross N J Buchanan D Buchholz M Buehler V Buescher S Burdin T H Burnett E Busato J M Butler J Bystricky W Carvalho B C K Casey N M Cason H Castilla-Valdez S Chakrabarti D Chakraborty K M Chan A Chandra D Chapin F Charles E Cheu L Chevalier D K Cho S Choi B Choudhary T Christiansen L Christofek D Claes B Clément C Clément Y Coadou M Cooke W E Cooper D Coppage M Corcoran A Cothenet M-C Cousinou B Cox S Crépé-Renaudin M Cristetiu D Cutts H da Motta B Davies G Davies G A Davis K De P de Jong S J de Jong E De La Cruz-Burelo C De Oliveira Martins S Dean F Déliot M Demarteau R Demina P Demine D Denisov S P Denisov S Desai H T Diehl M Diesburg M Doidge H Dong S Doulas L V Dudko L Duflot S R Dugad A Duperrin J Dyer A Dyshkant M Eads D Edmunds T Edwards J Ellison J Elmsheuser J T Eltzroth V D Elvira S Eno P Ermolov O V Eroshin J Estrada D Evans H Evans A Evdokimov V N Evdokimov J Fast S N Fatakia L Feligioni T Ferbel F Fiedler F Filthaut W Fisher H E Fisk M Fortner H Fox W Freeman S Fu S Fuess T Gadfort C F Galea E Gallas E Galyaev C Garcia A Garcia-Bellido J Gardner V Gavrilov P Gay D Gelé R Gelhaus K Genser C E Gerber Y Gershtein G Ginther T Golling B Gómez K Gounder A Goussiou P D Grannis S Greder H Greenlee Z D Greenwood E M Gregores Ph Gris J-F Grivaz L Groer S Grünendahl M W Grünewald S N Gurzhiev G Gutierrez P Gutierrez A Haas N J Hadley S Hagopian I Hall R E Hall C Han L Han K Hanagaki K Harder R Harrington J M Hauptman R Hauser J Hays T Hebbeker D Hedin J M Heinmiller A P Heinson U Heintz C Hensel G Hesketh M D Hildreth R Hirosky J D Hobbs B Hoeneisen M Hohlfeld S J Hong R Hooper P Houben Y Hu J Huang I Iashvili R Illingworth A S Ito S Jabeen M Jaffré S Jain V Jain K Jakobs A Jenkins R Jesik K Johns M Johnson A Jonckheere P Jonsson H Jöstlein A Juste D Käfer W Kahl S Kahn E Kajfasz A M Kalinin J Kalk D Karmanov J Kasper D Kau R Kaur R Kehoe S Kermiche S Kesisoglou A Khanov A Kharchilava Y M Kharzheev K H Kim B Klima M Klute J M Kohli M Kopal V M Korablev J Kotcher B Kothari A Koubarovsky A V Kozelov J Kozminski S Krzywdzinski S Kuleshov Y Kulik A Kumar S Kunori A Kupco T Kurca S Lager N Lahrichi G Landsberg J Lazoflores A-C Le Bihan P Lebrun S W Lee W M Lee A Leflat F Lehner C Leonidopoulos P Lewis J Li Q Z Li J G R Lima D Lincoln S L Linn J Linnemann V V Lipaev R Lipton L Lobo A Lobodenko M Lokajicek A Lounis H J Lubatti L Lueking M Lynker A L Lyon A K A Maciel R J Madaras P Mättig A Magerkurth A-M Magnan N Makovec P K Mal S Malik V L Malyshev H S Mao Y Maravin M Martens S E K Mattingly A A Mayorov R McCarthy R McCroskey D Meder H L Melanson A Melnitchouk A Mendes M Merkin K W Merritt A Meyer M Michaut H Miettinen J Mitrevski N Mokhov J Molina N K Mondal R W Moore G S Muanza M Mulders Y D Mutaf E Nagy M Narain N A Naumann H A Neal J P Negret S Nelson P Neustroev C Noeding A Nomerotski S F Novaes T Nunnemann E Nurse V O'Dell D C O'Neil V Oguri N Oliveira N Oshima G J Otero Y Garzón P Padley N Parashar J Park S K Park J Parsons R Partridge N Parua A Patwa P M Perea E Perez P Pétroff M Petteni L Phaf R Piegaia M-A Pleier P L M Podesta-Lerma V M Podstavkov Y Pogorelov B G Pope W L Prado da Silva H B Prosper S Protopopescu J Qian A Quadt B Quinn K J Rani K Ranjan P A Rapidis P N Ratoff N W Reay S Reucroft M Rijssenbeek I Ripp-Baudot F Rizatdinova C Royon P Rubinov R Ruchti V I Rud G Sajot A Sánchez-Hernández M P Sanders A Santoro G Savage L Sawyer T Scanlon D Schaile R D Schamberger H Schellman P Schieferdecker C Schmitt A A Schukin A Schwartzman R Schwienhorst S Sengupta H Severini E Shabalina M Shamim V Shary W D Shephard R K Shivpuri D Shpakov R A Sidwell V Simak V Sirotenko P Skubic P Slattery R P Smith K Smolek G R Snow J Snow S Snyder S Söldner-Rembold X Song Y Song L Sonnenschein A Sopczak M Sosebee K Soustruznik M Souza B Spurlock N R Stanton J Stark J Steele G Steinbrück K Stevenson V Stolin A Stone D A Stoyanova J Strandberg M A Strang M Strauss R Ströhmer D Strom M Strovink L Stutte S Sumowidagdo A Sznajder M Talby P Tamburello W Taylor P Telford J Temple E Thomas B Thooris M Tomoto T Toole J Torborg S Towers T Trefzger S Trincaz-Duvoid B Tuchming C Tully A S Turcot P M Tuts L Uvarov S Uvarov S Uzunyan B Vachon R Van Kooten W M van Leeuwen N Varelas E W Varnes I A Vasilyev M Vaupel P Verdier L S Vertogradov M Verzocchi F Villeneuve-Seguier J-R Vlimant E Von Toerne M Vreeswijk T Vu Anh H D Wahl R Walker L Wang Z-M Wang J Warchol M Warsinsky G Watts M Wayne M Weber H Weerts

We search for anomalous production of heavy-flavor quark jets in association with W bosons at the Fermilab Tevatron pp Collider in final states in which the heavy-flavor quark content is enhanced by requiring at least one tagged jet in an event. Jets are tagged using one algorithm based on semileptonic decays of b/c hadrons, and another on their lifetimes. We compare e+jets (164 pb(-1)) and mu+...

G. Aad T. Abajyan B. Abbott J. Abdallah S. Abdel Khalek A. A. Abdelalim O. Abdinov R. Aben B. Abi M. Abolins O. S. AbouZeid H. Abramowicz H. Abreu Y. Abulaiti B. S. Acharya L. Adamczyk D. L. Adams T. N. Addy J. Adelman S. Adomeit T. Adye S. Aefsky T. Agatonovic-Jovin J. A. Aguilar-Saavedra M. Agustoni S. P. Ahlen F. Ahles A. Ahmad M. Ahsan G. Aielli T. P. A. Åkesson G. Akimoto A. V. Akimov M. A. Alam J. Albert S. Albrand M. J. Alconada Verzini M. Aleksa I. N. Aleksandrov F. Alessandria C. Alexa G. Alexander G. Alexandre T. Alexopoulos M. Alhroob M. Aliev G. Alimonti J. Alison B. M. M. Allbrooke L. J. Allison P. P. Allport S. E. Allwood-Spiers J. Almond A. Aloisio R. Alon A. Alonso F. Alonso A. Altheimer B. Alvarez Gonzalez M. G. Alviggi K. Amako Y. Amaral Coutinho C. Amelung V. V. Ammosov S. P. Amor Dos Santos A. Amorim S. Amoroso N. Amram C. Anastopoulos L. S. Ancu N. Andari T. Andeen C. F. Anders G. Anders K. J. Anderson A. Andreazza V. Andrei X. S. Anduaga S. Angelidakis P. Anger A. Angerami F. Anghinolfi A. V. Anisenkov N. Anjos A. Annovi A. Antonaki M. Antonelli A. Antonov J. Antos F. Anulli M. Aoki L. Aperio Bella R. Apolle G. Arabidze I. Aracena Y. Arai A. T. H. Arce S. Arfaoui J-F. Arguin S. Argyropoulos E. Arik M. Arik A. J. Armbruster O. Arnaez V. Arnal A. Artamonov G. Artoni D. Arutinov S. Asai N. Asbah S. Ask B. Åsman L. Asquith K. Assamagan R. Astalos A. Astbury M. Atkinson B. Auerbach E. Auge K. Augsten M. Aurousseau G. Avolio D. Axen G. Azuelos Y. Azuma M. A. Baak G. Baccaglioni C. Bacci A. M. Bach H. Bachacou K. Bachas M. Backes M. Backhaus J. Backus Mayes E. Badescu P. Bagiacchi P. Bagnaia Y. Bai D. C. Bailey T. Bain J. T. Baines O. K. Baker S. Baker P. Balek F. Balli E. Banas P. Banerjee Sw. Banerjee D. Banfi A. Bangert V. Bansal H. S. Bansil L. Barak S. P. Baranov T. Barber E. L. Barberio D. Barberis M. Barbero D. Y. Bardin T. Barillari M. Barisonzi T. Barklow N. Barlow B. M. Barnett R. M. Barnett A. Baroncelli G. Barone A. J. Barr F. Barreiro J. Barreiro Guimarães da Costa R. Bartoldus A. E. Barton V. Bartsch A. Basye R. L. Bates L. Batkova J. R. Batley A. Battaglia M. Battistin F. Bauer H. S. Bawa S. Beale T. Beau P. H. Beauchemin R. Beccherle P. Bechtle H. P. Beck K. Becker S. Becker M. Beckingham K. H. Becks A. J. Beddall A. Beddall S. Bedikian V. A. Bednyakov C. P. Bee L. J. Beemster T. A. Beermann M. Begel C. Belanger-Champagne P. J. Bell W. H. Bell G. Bella L. Bellagamba A. Bellerive M. Bellomo A. Belloni O. L. Beloborodova K. Belotskiy O. Beltramello O. Benary D. Benchekroun K. Bendtz N. Benekos Y. Benhammou E. Benhar Noccioli J. A. Benitez Garcia D. P. Benjamin J. R. Bensinger K. Benslama S. Bentvelsen D. Berge E. Bergeaas Kuutmann N. Berger F. Berghaus E. Berglund J. Beringer P. Bernat R. Bernhard C. Bernius F. U. Bernlochner T. Berry C. Bertella F. Bertolucci M. I. Besana G. J. Besjes N. Besson S. Bethke W. Bhimji R. M. Bianchi L. Bianchini M. Bianco O. Biebel S. P. Bieniek K. Bierwagen J. Biesiada M. Biglietti H. Bilokon M. Bindi S. Binet A. Bingul C. Bini B. Bittner C. W. Black J. E. Black K. M. Black D. Blackburn R. E. Blair J.-B. Blanchard T. Blazek I. Bloch C. Blocker J. Blocki W. Blum U. Blumenschein G. J. Bobbink V. S. Bobrovnikov S. S. Bocchetta A. Bocci C. R. Boddy M. Boehler J. Boek T. T. Boek N. Boelaert J. A. Bogaerts A. G. Bogdanchikov A. Bogouch C. Bohm J. Bohm V. Boisvert T. Bold V. Boldea N. M. Bolnet M. Bomben M. Bona M. Boonekamp S. Bordoni C. Borer A. Borisov G. Borissov M. Borri S. Borroni J. Bortfeldt V. Bortolotto K. Bos D. Boscherini M. Bosman H. Boterenbrood J. Bouchami J. Boudreau E. V. Bouhova-Thacker D. Boumediene C. Bourdarios N. Bousson S. Boutouil A. Boveia J. Boyd I. R. Boyko I. Bozovic-Jelisavcic J. Bracinik P. Branchini A. Brandt G. Brandt O. Brandt U. Bratzler B. Brau J. E. Brau H. M. Braun S. F. Brazzale B. Brelier J. Bremer K. Brendlinger R. Brenner S. Bressler T. M. Bristow D. Britton F. M. Brochu I. Brock R. Brock F. Broggi C. Bromberg J. Bronner G. Brooijmans T. Brooks W. K. Brooks G. Brown P. A. Bruckman de Renstrom D. Bruncko R. Bruneliere S. Brunet A. Bruni G. Bruni M. Bruschi L. Bryngemark T. Buanes Q. Buat F. Bucci J. Buchanan P. Buchholz R. M. Buckingham A. G. Buckley S. I. Buda I. A. Budagov B. Budick L. Bugge O. Bulekov A. C. Bundock M. Bunse T. Buran H. Burckhart S. Burdin T. Burgess S. Burke E. Busato V. Büscher P. Bussey C. P. Buszello B. Butler J. M. Butler C. M. Buttar J. M. Butterworth W. Buttinger M. Byszewski S. Cabrera Urbán D. Caforio O. Cakir P. Calafiura G. Calderini P. Calfayan R. Calkins L. P. Caloba R. Caloi D. Calvet S. Calvet R. Camacho Toro P. Camarri D. Cameron L. M. Caminada R. Caminal Armadans S. Campana M. Campanelli V. Canale F. Canelli A. Canepa J. Cantero R. Cantrill T. Cao M. D. M. Capeans Garrido I. Caprini M. Caprini D. Capriotti M. Capua R. Caputo R. Cardarelli T. Carli G. Carlino L. Carminati S. Caron E. Carquin G. D. Carrillo-Montoya A. A. Carter J. R. Carter J. Carvalho D. Casadei M. P. Casado M. Cascella C. Caso E. Castaneda-Miranda A. Castelli V. Castillo Gimenez N. F. Castro G. Cataldi P. Catastini A. Catinaccio J. R. Catmore A. Cattai G. Cattani S. Caughron V. Cavaliere D. Cavalli M. Cavalli-Sforza V. Cavasinni F. Ceradini B. Cerio A. S. Cerqueira A. Cerri L. Cerrito F. Cerutti A. Cervelli S. A. Cetin A. Chafaq D. Chakraborty I. Chalupkova K. Chan P. Chang B. Chapleau J. D. Chapman J. W. Chapman D. G. Charlton V. Chavda C. A. Chavez Barajas S. Cheatham S. Chekanov S. V. Chekulaev G. A. Chelkov M. A. Chelstowska C. Chen H. Chen S. Chen X. Chen Y. Chen Y. Cheng A. Cheplakov R. Cherkaoui El Moursli V. Chernyatin E. Cheu S. L. Cheung L. Chevalier V. Chiarella G. Chiefari J. T. Childers A. Chilingarov G. Chiodini A. S. Chisholm R. T. Chislett A. Chitan M. V. Chizhov G. Choudalakis S. Chouridou B. K. B. Chow I. A. Christidi A. Christov D. Chromek-Burckhart M. L. Chu J. Chudoba G. Ciapetti A. K. Ciftci R. Ciftci D. Cinca V. Cindro A. Ciocio M. Cirilli P. Cirkovic Z. H. Citron M. Citterio M. Ciubancan A. Clark P. J. Clark R. N. Clarke J. C. Clemens

A measurement of jet shapes in top-quark pair events using 1.8 fb −1 of √ s = 7 TeV pp collision data recorded by the ATLAS detector at the LHC is presented. Samples of top-quark pair events are selected in both the single-lepton and dilepton final states. The differential and integrated shapes of the jets initiated by bottom-quarks from the top-quark decays are compared with those of the jets ...

Gavin P. Salam

As the LHC prepares to start taking data, this review is intended to provide a QCD theorist’s understanding and views on jet finding at hadron colliders, including recent developments. My hope is that it will serve both as a primer for the newcomer to jets and as a quick reference for those with some experience of the subject. It is devoted to the questions of how one defines jets, how jets rel...

Julien Malapert Réda Yahiaoui Rabah Zeggari Jean-François Manceau

In this paper, we present an interesting method to microfabricate a tilted micro air jet generator. We used the well-know deep reactive ion etching (DRIE) technique in order to realize in a silicon substrate a double side etching. For aircraft and cars, micro air jets will take an important place for fluid control. Micro air jets are characterized by their speed, frequency and tilt. Usually, th...

Philippe A. Bonnefoy John Hansman

Very Light Jets (VLJs) constitute a class of three to eight passenger turbofan-powered aircraft that will enter service in 2006 and will need to be integrated into the National Airspace System. An aircraft performance analysis showed similarities between the predicted performance and capability of Very Light Jets and the performance of existing Light Jets. Based on this an analysis of operating...

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