نتایج جستجو برای: atmosphere
تعداد نتایج: 54710 فیلتر نتایج به سال:
Looking at the solar photosphere, we see the top of the convection zone in the form of granulation: Hot gas rising from the solar interior as part of the energy transport process reaches a position where the opacity is no longer sufficient to prevent the escape of radiation. The gas expands, radiates, and cools and in so doing loses its buoyancy and descends. These motions, ultimately driven by...
Cur r en t knowledge of t he a t m o s p h e r e of U r a n u s is rev iewed a n d specific ob jec t ives are sugges ted for sa te l l i te miss ions to U r a n u s . The a n o m a l o u s compos i t ion of U r a n u s m a k e s d e t e r m i n a t i o n s of i ts a t m o s p h e r i c compos i t i on pa r t i cu l a r ly va luab le for t e s t i n g theor ies of solar s y s t e m evolu t ion ....
Jupiter has half a dozen eastward jet streams in each hemisphere. On average, Earth has only one in each hemisphere. Jupiter has weather patterns (“storms”) that last for centuries. Earth has stationary weather patterns fixed to the topography, but the average lifetime of a traveling storm is ∼1 week. Jupiter has no topography, i.e., no continents or oceans; its atmosphere merges smoothly with ...
Background: The implementation of moral behaviors in organization is one of the most important organizational phenomena and therefore the purpose of this article is investigation of the role of the ethical atmosphere dimensions in predicting of managers' insistence on initial decisions. Method: In terms of the purpose of research, this research is applicable type and in terms of the research m...
The Role of Educational Administrators in Creating a Moral Atmosphere and Social Support, and its Relation with Organizational Performance S. Dehghaan Marvasti To explore the role of educational administrators in creating a moral atmosphere and social support and its relation with organizational performance, a random sample of 160 teachers from two districts in Yazd was given a set of...
A new dynamical model for the propagation of strangelets through the terrestrial atmosphere is proposed. Strangelets are small lumps of strange quark matter (SQM) which consist of roughly equal numbers of up, down and strange quarks. Since the suggestion of Witten[1]in 1984 that these strangelets, and not ordinary nuclear matter, represent the true ground state of QCD, this area of research has...
The sta ti s ti cal di s tributi ons of th e a ngle of arrival, th e s pot location, the cross section, th e amp li . tude , th e carrier phase and the modulation phase of a lase r bea m tra ve rs ing an anisotropicaliy turbule nt at mos phere are de rived in terms of the s pace corre la tio n fun c tion of th e at mosph eri c index of refractio n a nd the windspeed. The Limit a ti o ns imposed...
[1] During the Galileo flybys of Callisto in 1999, a CO2 atmosphere and an ionosphere were detected. Using the Caltech/Jet Propulsion Laboratory one-dimensional KINETICS model, we have successfully simulated the observed electron density within a factor of 2, while satisfying the observational constraints on carbon and oxygen atoms. We conclude that photoionization of CO2 alone is insufficient ...
We assembled spectral image datacubes of Titan in H-band (1.4131.808 μm), using adaptive optics on the 10-m W.M. Keck telescope, by stepping a spectrometer slit across Titan’s disk. We constructed images of Titan at each wavelength by ‘glueing’ the spectra together, producing 1400ultra-narrowband (~0.1nm) views of the satellite. With this method one can characterise Titan’s atmosphere over the ...
Trace element abundances in the sputtered extended atmospheres of the Galilean satellites reflect the surface abundances of these trace elements and can thus serve as signatures of surface processes on these satellites. We have measured sodium and potassium abundances in the extended atmospheres of Europa and Io, and derive sodium-to-potassium ratios of 25 ± 2 and 10 ± 3. The large difference b...
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