Recensión de / Review of: Pedro Rújula e Ivana Frasquet (coords.), El Trienio Liberal (1820-1823) Una mirada política, Comares, Granada, 2020, 601 pp. Enviado el (Submission Date): 06/05/2021 Aceptado (Acceptance 8/05/2021
Abstract Metalloporphyrinic metal–organic framework PCN-601 exhibits high photocatalytic performance for CO 2 reduction. The photoreduction site was speculated to be the Ni atoms in nodes and thus single porphyrin centers are not effectively utilized. In this study, we applied Kohn–Sham density functional theory investigate effect of metal (Fe, Co, or Cu) substitution Ni-porphyrin linker on Our...
:Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia2023
Abstract The putative host galaxy of FRB 20171020A was first identified as ESO 601-G036 in 2018, but no repeat bursts have been detected, direct confirmation the remains elusive. In light recent developments field, we re-examine this and determine a new association confidence level 98%. At 37 Mpc, makes third closest to be date an apparently non-repeating (with estimated repetition rate limit $...
:Computational Statistics & Data Analysis2006
Jen-Wen LinA. Ian McLeod
Several problems with the diagnostic check suggested by Peňa and Rodriguez [2002. A powerful portmanteau test of lack of fit for time series. J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 97, 601–610.] are noted and an improved Monte-Carlo version of this test is suggested. It is shown that quite often the test statistic recommended by Peňa and Rodriguez [2002. A powerful portmanteau test of lack of fit for time se...